[NETFLIX] streaming video !

I finally finished binging Shameless - 96 hours - and methinks it's time for Br Ba

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There's no possible way The Frankenstein Chronicles is any good right?

I mean Sean Bean but... It just can't can't be
I tried watching Godzilla. Shut it off. No clue what was happening or why, big old meh.
Remember when Netflix had good movies, shows and a star rating system?
Remember why we were happy to pay $7.99/month and thought we were getting a great deal?
i member
now the $10?/m (what do I pay?) is a habit... and I'm beginning to think it's a bad habit.
:shrug: with what Netflix originals have been popping out in the last year, $10 a month seems worth it to me.
Watched Mute tonight. It is a movie that has a plot. Thats about it.

Its not very good and featured very little flying cars, tits (except for on a guy) or lying.

It just tells a story that has no intriguing aspects except that the guy cant talk and sometimes he has to use an Alexa and that is difficult because he cant talk (get it, because in the future you have to talk to everything and there are no buttons)
ortega is smokin'

enjoyed altered carbon but felt it didn't sustain itself over its entire story arc
we've been watching the travellers, we like it

there was a funny line in an episode we watched last night when they were talking about how much some tv cost and they said "even cable is more expensive"
oh look at Rockefeller over here with his Premium netflix subscription

well la di da braggart dont drop your monocle in your champagne while you watch it in 4K