Need Advice: Returned a "Lost" Dog

I want to know about this dog at a train station...

Also, while I understand your line of thinking, and don't necessarily think you're wrong, how much are you going to stress about something you might never find out about?

Chances are the little fella is ballin around, burning off the calories from all the delicious dinosaur-sized steaks and flavoured water they're giving him, dreaming of bouncing balls and frisbies and smelly tails.

And you're stressing at home over something that might not be happening.
That was really awesome of you and the wife :)

call and get piece of mind. I tried to catch a loose dog in my neighborhood once but damn wiener outran me :(
All you have to do is sing this song and he will turn and come right to you.

I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner
That is what I truly wish to be
cause if i were a oscar mayer weiner
everyone would be in love
oh everyone would be in love
everyone would be in love with me
good thing you did give it back, I was going through something like that when I found my now dog. He was skinny to the point of ribs and backbone showing, tied up to a fence and abandoned on my road. I took him in, went in on monday to hand him over to the animal welfare to see if anyone owns him, the lady yelled at me saying taking the dog off that fence in the rain is like stealing a car. And I could go to jail for it. Mind you the dog had no tags, no collar, just a leash wrapped around his neck. I had to wait 2 weeks to see if anyone claimed the dog before he was mine.

Long story short, if they were looking for the dog and you were found with it, you could of been at the least fined for stealing the dog even if it "ran away" or was "dropped off"
Key info you didn't provide is who told you that it was lost. It's possible the truth is in between your scenarios. Husband dumped the dog, rest of family flipped the fuck out when he made up some story about him getting away. If the husband dumped the dog, then doing it near his work wouldn't be out of the question. No, most people who dump dogs don't have well thought out plans. It's usually done out of frustration and anger. Those are not conducive to critical thinking. This is why you can find videos of people throwing dogs over fences at shelters in full view of security cameras.

Collars rarely come off unless the dog has to travel through a lot of underbrush or obstacles (in which case they may back out of it while backing out of other stuff). Although loose dogs are often collarless because they WERE on leash and they got scared and tried to back up (not in this case since they would obviously know that the dog didn't have a collar). Most people use flat collars that aren't fitted properly. Easy to back out of. For the most part dogs are pretty good at not getting themselves stuck in shit.

As for distance traveled - 6 miles in 2 hours basically means the dog walked non-stop right towards the husband's place of work. Reality is that is just as likely as the dog wandering straight in any one direction (which itself is unlikely). Crossing streets - I've searched for dogs for a week at a time, have had credible evidence they had crossed streets multiple times, and had never been hit by cars. So that part of the scenario is completely plausible. In another case I have an account of a beagle that was reportedly hit by a car but he showed no signs of injury and continued to run for 4 more days before stepping into a cage trap.

Generally all you can do is return the dog in that situation. You can call any local SPCA officers to see if they can check on the dog but without any prior records on file they probably will decline. If you suspect abuse you can contact the local police, but in most cases police consider the case closed when the dog is back in the owner's hands.
The wife's sister created the craiglist post. She was actually the one I emailed back and forth with, not the actual wife. This is really was set off my shady alarm at first, though for the wrong reasons (she seemed evasive when I asked for details to help identify the dog, but I am guessing it's because she did not know enough about the dog herself).
maybe the dog was being abused and it finally got the chance to escape, figured out how to get his collar off, ran as far as he could before he pooped out hoping someone would find him and send him to a shelter so he could finally be free of his horrible existence

or maybe they lost the dog and you returned it

either one
