Need a good competitive team based game for pc or PS3

:rofl: So yea, youve made some great points back up your initial statement. I should have figured other PC elitists would have stepped up to talk for you. Oh well, noone has proven anything to me here other than PC elitism is still in full swing for some people.

im stating facts and common knowledge while you're stating irrelevant statistics which im calling you out on... now youre mad and dismissing me as an elitist, lol
the MLG gives the most prize money in eSports today, at least in North America. they sponsor only pop-games: shitty Halo tourneys on XBOX, MW2 (XBOX I believe), and WoW on PC. Tekken 6 and Smash Bros Brawl were recently added to the MLG's roster of sponsored games -- Tekken 6 has a much lower skill curve to SF4 and most other fighting games, but I am intrigued by SSBB.

I am a huge hater on all of the above (although I hear that WoW actually does have a really high skill / knowledge ceiling). These games are boring, have little appeal to anyone who takes PC or fighting games seriously.

Right now, in terms of FPS's, CS1.6 is still king. CoD4 and CS:S are doing OK. BFBC2 has had some prize money in its infancy, but there's no telling what institutions or sponsors will support it in the long run. QuakeLive is still going strong, even though the prize money has been quite lackluster.

There are no powerful institutions for the Fighting Game Community (mainly SF4, with some SF2, Tekken 6, Blazblue thrown into the mix), but the community itsself is strong enough to facilitate frequent tournaments with decent prizepools.

Since the global recession, eSports has had way less capital to throw around at big events and prizepools. However, due to sites like Ustream/Justin.TV/Livestream, there has been an explosion in eSports coverage. On top of that, the events are still rolling albiet lesser funding. The ESL Intel Extreme Masters tourney was an amazing series of events held thru Europe, Asia, North America, even Dubai, and received wide viewership and recognition over the course of the season.

So in conclusion to this TL;DR, eSports is hurting, but also ready to explode. The PC scene REALLY needs 1 big FPS game to come out, get sponsored tournies, and have competitive features OUT OF THE BOX to break the mold and attract all the old W:ET/RtCW/ET:QW as well as as many CS/CoD/BF vets as possible. People are getting tired of CS and Quake as the headliners in all these tournies. BFBC2 will not be a successful eSport if they never facilitate the development of a competition mod or working spectator mode. The game I am most excited about for eSports on the PC platform is BRINK. /me crosses fingers.

I think StarCraft2 is already doing pretty well as far as casting/etc. Once the game goes retail I really expect a pretty huge boom in it's casts/youtubes/etc as well - isn't MLG going to ipck-up SC2? They already did a few casts I believe.
360 has MANY more matches, therefore making the players more experienced, and competition growing. Think about 10k Tribes teams on the ladder and how many teams would have competed for the top 10 at that point. Some 360 teams average 5 matches a day on one ladder. The most Ive ever played on PC is a match every week, maybe 2.

360 has had way larger payouts, however I can see the point of some of the old PC games having smaller payouts more consistently. Thats really a toss up to me.

I dont know if you can consider coverage an aspect of competition. Im fairly divided on that thought.

I think there could be several other things considered in competition. From qualitity to quantity, is there really any way to prove whos more competitive based on a few PC gamers that have sponsorships vs millions of people who play different games on different levels on different platforms? For instance, how do you even compare a CS or SC match vs a 360 MW2 or UFC match? You really dont. Thats why I think quantity supercedes quality in more aspects. The more teams you have, the more competition you will have at the top. :shrug: I dont know if this last paragraph made sense, but I just kind of typed it while trying to listen to the wife at the same time.

you can always pit the top PC gamers vs the console gamers in the same game... most of these games (Xbox, PS3, or PC) can network with each other.
you can always pit the top PC gamers vs the console gamers in the same game... most of these games (Xbox, PS3, or PC) can network with each other.

I said nothing about the same games. Theres no comparison in competition of current games on all platforms to me. But theres no way to compare the games like CS, wow, starcraft, and quake to current 360 competition. Thats the majority of what Ive seen that pays out worth anything on PC, so all I can do is compare current games on all platforms.
thats a pretty big fact. and if you dont know what i mean by that, you don't know dick about esports.

can you name any console gamers making it their career? there are hundreds making a living on starcraft alone.
can you name any console games played competitively beyond a few years of the game's lifetime? then theyre not esports games. like chess, soccer, etc, they must stand the test of time
can you name some major console tournaments that are NOT merely corporate marketing events by the console/game manufacturer? WCG for example is basically owned by microsoft and EA
I said nothing about the same games. Theres no comparison in competition of current games on all platforms to me. But theres no way to compare the games like CS, wow, starcraft, and quake to current 360 competition. Thats the majority of what Ive seen that pays out worth anything on PC, so all I can do is compare current games on all platforms.

no, thats the direct way you can compare skill/competitive level between PC/Console. take the current PC+console game thats both inter-networkable and competitive, and pit the top players against each other.
thats a pretty big fact. and if you dont know what i mean by that, you don't know dick about esports.

can you name any console gamers making it their career? there are hundreds making a living on starcraft alone.
can you name any console games played competitively beyond a few years of the game's lifetime? then theyre not esports games. like chess, soccer, etc, they must stand the test of time
can you name some major console tournaments that are NOT merely corporate marketing events by the console/game manufacturer? WCG for example is basically owned by microsoft and EA

Whats a fact? I dont understand what you are even talking about.

I cant name but one PC person making it their career. Fatality, or whatever his name was.

Consoles have only been playing competitively for a few years. CoD4 is still rampant.

I couldnt name any console tournaments, or PC tournaments for that matter.
I guess other than the sc, cs, and wow ones I saw today. Wow? really? wtf..

The simple fact here is you said there were more competitive players on PC even though there were fewer. I provided the statistics and then you changed it to quality vs quantity and a handful of people getting paid to play decade old PC games while ignoring the fact that there are much bigger paydays now on consoles. You have provided no facts based on your initial statement....
still arguing quantity, not quality... and now limiting it to the US which is only average competitively on the world scene.

no one is arguing that consoles arent more popular general, and of course there will be more ladders to match, but that doesnt mean theyre more competitive. ultimately it comes down to skill... and you can test this by networking the top pc gamers against the top console gamers for a particular game.

PC vs Console in a competition is not measuring apples to apples. An FPS on a controller is going to be a bit slower in twitch reaction than a mouse and kb. Does that make one inferior to the other? Sure. Does that matter? No. It's kb/m vs kb/m and controller vs controller.

We ARE talking about WHERE the competition is... More people playing consoles competitively mean more competition. I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

I mention the US only because that's who the OP is going to be playing against as he/she chooses a game to play.

FishStix post pretty well sums it up....

I don't really care much about money, though I understand that's what drives a lot of people to play the game. I loved the team play of BF2 and hope that when/if BF3 releases it can fill that void. BFBC2 infantry combat feels incredibly random to me (CAUSE U SUK LOL1lol!). If they could make it feel a bit tighter, and dumb down some of the ridiculous shit (Gustav, shotgun sniping), and add a comp mod then it'd be good.

That said, I'm not sure EA is in it for the long haul. They want to control who can run the ranked servers so that they can shut off support for it and convince you to buy their next iteration. I was shocked that they released the BF2 patch not long ago, but I believe it may have been just to get people playing any Battlefield game so they could get more people interested in bc2. It amazes me people still play Counterstrike. People have to be nearly bot-like by this time.
thats a pretty big fact. and if you dont know what i mean by that, you don't know dick about esports.

can you name any console gamers making it their career? there are hundreds making a living on starcraft alone.
can you name any console games played competitively beyond a few years of the game's lifetime? then theyre not esports games. like chess, soccer, etc, they must stand the test of time
can you name some major console tournaments that are NOT merely corporate marketing events by the console/game manufacturer? WCG for example is basically owned by microsoft and EA

Where, Korea? The exception where Starcraft players are lauded as movie stars?

Halo still has an incredible fan base and number of people playing it. I would not suggest it to the OP because I can't stand it, but hey... you asked.
TF2 is my personal fave. Stick with it.

Yeah that's pretty much all I've been playing lately just because it's fun. Is anyone else here still playing or has interest died out? The only person I know that pops up on my Steam is Kura.
omg this needs a diff thread topic... BF2 is better than MF2... you have to play more as a team, or you have more options to do so... hell I dunno wtf I'm tryin' to say!!!