Need a good competitive team based game for pc or PS3

sorry i dont have a statistic agency to quote

the only reason Mw2 / consoles post those statistics is so they can brag about them. suppose they didnt wrap a ribbon around the stats and hand them to you, then what would you be judging it on. how many teams are on a random ladder? maybe 5 teams from the entire ladder you posted could even compete in a finals tournament

Electronic sports - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

here are the current set of leagues according to wiki, its easy to see over 1/2 of them are dedicated to PC:

Professional Leagues

E-Sports Entertainment League (International)
Cyber Evolution (International)
Xtreme Professional League (International)
ESL Extreme Masters (International)
Electronic Sports World Cup (International)
World Cyber Games (International)
World e-Sports Games (International)
ESL Major Series (European)
ESL Pro Series (In several European countries)
NGL One (Europe)
ClanBase EuroCup (European)
Total Gaming League (International)
Pro Gaming League (North America)
UKeSA Dell XPS Premiership (United Kingdom)
National Professional Cybersport League (Russia)
Athens Gaming League (Greece)
Team Excrucio (International)

once you realize that pro-gaming right now is established much more on the international scene and is highly underdeveloped in the US (comparatively), you understand how important PC gaming is to the pro-gamers. Just take a look at companies like razer, logitech, and all the sponsoring they do.

StarCraft professional competition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and then theres kespa which is easily the only working business model for progaming right now. and thats where the 90% of top earners for pro gaming are right now
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Im not a fan of MW2, I just pulled it because its the most popular competitive game right now.

I do admit that I do not know anything about Euro gaming. So even including these numbers, do you still think that because PC gamers have more "pros" that it makes it more competitive? I dont. I think it takes more than one thing to account for competition such as number of teams, numbers of players, amount of games played, prizes, etc...

Shit... Elky won one of the starcraft leagues. He was a big time online poker player and is now one of the biggest names in poker after doing well in real games. They said he was a gamer but I didnt know he could compete at starcraft with all the orientals.
lets talk about $$

i can list 100 products for "pro-gamers" (PC) and endorsed by pro-gamers (PC)

Razer | For Gamers. By Gamers.? | Gaming Hardware | Buy Online
Logitech ? Get immersed in the digital world with a mouse, keyboard, webcam, headset, Harmony remote, speakers, and more.
Microsoft Hardware Gaming

they even name pc periphs. after the gamers here in the US, like the fatality

there is absolutely none (zero) of these pro-catered products for console

$25k for first on CS... Thats it?

I wouldnt expect any pro-catered products for consoles since all you have to do is buy a new console every 5 years or so instead of upgrading once or twice a year on a PC. Thats irrelevant to me or the conversation at hand about competition.
You realize no one competes on the PC for MW2 because IW doesn't give a shit about the game for the PC right? If they had added dedicated servers like a non-retarded developer and gave a shit about anti-cheating then maybe there would be some competition.
all of the great western Starcraft players, that have gone on to do well in poker and other things, have consistely (and always) been wiped by their korean counterparts because the koreans are dedicated on a totally dif level. (which has to do with money)

the koreans established the pro-gaming scene by proving that the level of competition they created is so much higher than everywhere else. thats why there are so few games that pro-gamers accept, because there needs to be a level of depth that enables this high level of competition.

imo the only that seperates a pro-gamer from any other type of gamer is this top level of play

and because consoles have to appeal to 50 million people,as it stands right now most console games doesnt work with pro-gaming. The only ones that do are FPS and thats because of the huge depth there is in twitch/kill skill. compared to these millions - the pro-gaming communities are microscopic in terms of actual players, theyre made up of mostly fanboys and streams.
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Well, there are 40 more teams on BF than MW2, so that makes sense. :lol:

Its kind of hard to blame them though considering the massive amount of players and competition on console.
all of the great western Starcraft players, that have gone on to do well in poker and other things, have consistely (and always) been wiped by their korean counterparts because the koreans are dedicated on a totally dif level.

the koreans established the pro-gaming scene by proving that the level of competition they created is so much higher than everywhere else. thats why there are so few games that pro-gamers accept, because there needs to be a level of depth that enables this high level of competition.

imo the only that seperates a pro-gamer from any other type of gamer is this top level of play

and because consoles have to appeal to 50 million people,as it stands right now most console games doesnt work with pro-gaming. The only ones that do are FPS and thats because of the huge depth there is in twitch/kill skill. compared to these millions - the pro-gaming communities are microscopic in terms of actual players, theyre made up of mostly fanboys and streams.

Well of course a pro-gamer is seperated from other gamers by top level of play. But a few pro gamers does not constitute what happy was saying, which is that PC gaming is currently more competitive. Youre looking at teams that play 5 or 6 games a day on console, playing for hundreds of thousands of dollars in circuit and tournamentplay, and having more teams to compete against than ever before seen. There are also tons of ex PC competition player that play console now just because of the payouts and sheer amount of compeition. I am one of them, all though I havent had time to play on a team in some time now.
Thats where you are completely and utterly wrong. Dont forget, that I came from PC competitive gaming and have played a couple years in console competition. Maybe you should take a look at 360 Gamebattles and then at some of the massive $$$ tourneys they hold for 360. Then youll realize what I did when my PC gaming ego wouldnt let go....PC has been passes up and left behind.

keep believing that but its not the case.

and if youre referring to tournies held by the console maker or the game maker, thats not competitive gaming, thats marketing.
$25k for first on CS... Thats it?
Most kids think that's a ton of money, especially if they win a few tournaments a year and endorse a video card. It's enough for a kid to buy a crotch rocket, or a sport cars because that's all they care about, no family to worry about. But the number of people who do this at the top is only a handful.
the MLG gives the most prize money in eSports today, at least in North America. they sponsor only pop-games: shitty Halo tourneys on XBOX, MW2 (XBOX I believe), and WoW on PC. Tekken 6 and Smash Bros Brawl were recently added to the MLG's roster of sponsored games -- Tekken 6 has a much lower skill curve to SF4 and most other fighting games, but I am intrigued by SSBB.

I am a huge hater on all of the above (although I hear that WoW actually does have a really high skill / knowledge ceiling). These games are boring, have little appeal to anyone who takes PC or fighting games seriously.

Right now, in terms of FPS's, CS1.6 is still king. CoD4 and CS:S are doing OK. BFBC2 has had some prize money in its infancy, but there's no telling what institutions or sponsors will support it in the long run. QuakeLive is still going strong, even though the prize money has been quite lackluster.

There are no powerful institutions for the Fighting Game Community (mainly SF4, with some SF2, Tekken 6, Blazblue thrown into the mix), but the community itsself is strong enough to facilitate frequent tournaments with decent prizepools.

Since the global recession, eSports has had way less capital to throw around at big events and prizepools. However, due to sites like Ustream/Justin.TV/Livestream, there has been an explosion in eSports coverage. On top of that, the events are still rolling albiet lesser funding. The ESL Intel Extreme Masters tourney was an amazing series of events held thru Europe, Asia, North America, even Dubai, and received wide viewership and recognition over the course of the season.

So in conclusion to this TL;DR, eSports is hurting, but also ready to explode. The PC scene REALLY needs 1 big FPS game to come out, get sponsored tournies, and have competitive features OUT OF THE BOX to break the mold and attract all the old W:ET/RtCW/ET:QW as well as as many CS/CoD/BF vets as possible. People are getting tired of CS and Quake as the headliners in all these tournies. BFBC2 will not be a successful eSport if they never facilitate the development of a competition mod or working spectator mode. The game I am most excited about for eSports on the PC platform is BRINK. /me crosses fingers.