Must be Saturday...

A Mexican National, in the US illegally, had the gun illegally and was just fired from his job as a carpenter for stealing supplies from job sites. He was angry, drunk, high on meth and pissed off.

That cunt has a knife. There's one death at max. Dead cunt. No kids die. Cunt dies. If you think this turns out differently, you're the biggest cunt In existence. Cunt.
That cunt has a knife. There's one death at max. Dead cunt. No kids die. Cunt dies. If you think this turns out differently, you're the biggest cunt In existence. Cunt.

How do you plan to kill him against his knife?
lol - like the police and DAs are effective at stopping illegal guns and crime in the USA. Do that first. Execute this motherfucker. And, execute anyone with an illegal gun who uses it for a violent crime. Then. slap illegal gun carriers in jail for 20 years automatic minimum. Then talk to me about giving up a legally owned firearm.
That cunt has a knife. There's one death at max. Dead cunt. No kids die. Cunt dies. If you think this turns out differently, you're the biggest cunt In existence. Cunt.


There are same number of deaths but because he has a knife nobody knows about because they don't hear an AR barking off rounds in a house. Not a single person would have known it was him, and maybe given the guy, that is a proven criminal, time to move on to the next house in the neighborhood and repeat because its Saturday and Pedro just really realized that he's in a country where he's illiterate, illegal, uneducated, and at best will 'top out' at being more or less well paid "slave labor".

And after he gets done working out his mental bullshit on another family, all he has to do is walk across the border.

One of the many reasons illegals need to be dealt with.
That cunt has a knife. There's one death at max. Dead cunt. No kids die. Cunt dies. If you think this turns out differently, you're the biggest cunt In existence. Cunt.

2014 Kunming attack - Wikipedia

31 people dead, wounding 143 others

8 attackers. That's a bit more than 1

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia
8 dead - 48 injured
Granted - they used a van as well.

more here - dispshit
Mass stabbing - Wikipedia

Now do the little backpedal thing and talk about statistics, Americans and other loads of tiny person bullshit.
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You're automatically disqualified from mental anything, donut boy.

The fact that you have to look up at me to insult me, negates anything you would have to say.

Wanna see something cool that proves without a doubt that you're a short retard?

The Sagamihara stabbings were committed on 26 July 2016 in Midori Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan. Nineteen people were killed and twenty-six others were injured, thirteen severely, at a care home for disabled people. The crimes were committed by a 26-year-old man, identified as Satoshi Uematsu (植松 聖, Uematsu Satoshi), a former employee of the care facility Uematsu surrendered at a nearby police station with a bag of knives and was subsequently arrested.
19 dead
26 injured

Canadian police searched across the expansive province of Saskatchewan for two suspects believed to have stabbed 10 people to death in an Indigenous community and a nearby town in one of the deadliest mass killings in the country's history.
10 dead
26 injured

One suspect in Canadian mass stabbings found dead, another still on the run
One suspect in Canadian mass stabbings found dead, another still on the run | Reuters
10 dead
18 injured

The man accused of stabbing eight people on the Las Vegas Strip, killing two, had asked a group of showgirls to take a photo with a foot-long kitchen knife he was trying to sell before stabbing them, documents the 8 News Now Investigators obtained said Friday.

Las Vegas Strip mass stabbing suspect asked showgirls for photo with foot-long knife
2 dead, 6 injured

The suspects also injured 15 people in the series of knife attacks that led the James Smith Cree Nation to declare a state of emergency and badly shook residents of the nearby village of Weldon. [/quote]

10 dead
15 injured

Thailand massacre: ex-cop kills 24 children in knife and gun rampage | Reuters

Total death toll including shooter is 37 - police
Attacker kills 24 children, 13 adults in rampage
Thai daycare centre was for children aged 2-5
Most child victims were stabbed - police
Attacker killed his wife, child, and shot himself
Lets be generous and say that out of 24 children, 'most' would be 13

In 2015, 75,875 deaths and injuries severe enough to require medical treatment in a hospital from firearm-related criminal assaults, sexual assaults and homicides, including murder and non-negligent manslaughter.

Also in 2015, there were 124,662 injuries and deaths from crimes involving the use of knives and other cutting and piercing instrument

Even in countries where firearms are heavily restricted, if people want to kill, they will use a knife. When knives get banned, you'll see a massive increase in bludgeoning deaths. The problem isn't the tool, its the person using it.

So to're a moron, and kys
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The man wanted by law enforcement for the killings of five Texas neighbors – including a 9-year-old boy – had entered the US illegally and been deported by immigration officials at least four times, a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement source said.

The suspect, identified by ICE as Francisco Oropesa Perez-Torres, was first removed by an immigration judge in March 2009, the ICE source told CNN on Monday.

Suspect in Texas massacre had been deported 4 times after entering US illegally, ICE source says
Juggs, let’s be honest, the US has way more gun violence than any other country you just listed. Hand picking a few isolated events from other countries doesn’t change that.

USA is #1 in gun violence.

USA USA USA Fuck yeah!!!!

All that said, I wouldn’t change any of our gun policies, it’s the cost of freedom.
Juggs, let’s be honest, the US has way more gun violence than any other country you just listed. Hand picking a few isolated events from other countries doesn’t change that.

USA is #1 in gun violence.

USA USA USA Fuck yeah!!!!

All that said, I wouldn’t change any of our gun policies, it’s the cost of freedom.

Of course it does, we have way more guns than any other country, we also have a way more non-homogenous population than anywhere else. This country is being attacked from outside as well as within. We have millions of people in this country that are straight off the boat from other nations where life in general is nothing

There are so many layers of issues that lead up to issues with guns in this country.

And those aren't really isolated instances. In most countries where guns are illegal or banned, the violent stabbings is about the same.
My point was that removing guns doesn't really equal a reduction in deaths or even the number of people killed in mass killings. If people want to kill, they will find other ways.

Here, more of the gun deaths are suicides than homicides, that part is left out of most gun discussions when people start clutching their pearls about the death rates and the deaths of children are used as focal points.

In reality, if we really wanted to stop things like school shootings, we wouldn't make them such easy targets. We have armed security at banks, sporting events, even grocery stores, and you don't really see attacks at these places. But we place far more importance on our money, groceries and sports than we do our children apparently, and then everyone flips out when violence occurs
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