Must be Saturday...

ITT: people of Europe don't suffer from stress or other mental health issues. Only Americans. You couldn't make this fathole up.

Well i see you picked like one word out of that whole thing you could actually read. Its more than just stress. Stress is just one component
Well i see you picked like one word out of that whole thing you could actually read. Its more than just stress. Stress is just one component

Cool. Explain to me the problems Americans have that Europeans don't that cause them to go mental and shoot into crowds or schools. You won't though, obviously.
Aha, so in Europe, there are no older parents, ADHD or over-medication. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up. Anything else?

Definitely not the guns though, that's just silly illogical thinking.
Cool. Explain to me the problems Americans have that Europeans don't that cause them to go mental and shoot into crowds or schools. You won't though, obviously.

Just curious, do you care about Gun Violence, or are you just in it to kill time and have an argument? I've never seen you address the weekly murders of people in Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles.

If you're so outraged, why don't we see you post when 3 kids are innocently gunned down in a drive by shooting by gang members at the playgrounds on the south side of Chicago?

You seem fixated on just specific events, but not the weekly mass death toll ongoing in the inner cities, cast upon all races and class. It’s hard to take you seriously when you cherry-pick selective outrage to spotlight and post about.
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Some say the end is near that we'll see Armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will because I could use a vacation from this bullshit three-ring, circus sideshow of freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call the U S of fucking A.
Aha, so in Europe, there are no older parents, ADHD or over-medication. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up. Anything else?

Definitely not the guns though, that's just silly illogical thinking.

here...look over this, and when you still don't understand it, kys

  • About one-quarter of U.S. adults report having a mental health diagnosis such as anxiety or depression or experiencing emotional distress. This is one of the highest rates among 11 high-income countries.
  • While U.S. adults are among the most willing to seek professional help for emotional distress, they are among the most likely to report access or affordability issues.
  • Emotional distress is associated with social and economic needs in all countries. Nearly half of U.S. adults who experience emotional distress report such worries, a higher share than seen in other countries.
  • The United States has some of the worst mental health–related outcomes, including the highest suicide rate and second-highest drug-related death rate.
  • The U.S. has a relatively low supply of mental health workers, particularly psychologists and psychiatrists. Just one-third of U.S. primary care practices have mental health professionals on

Among adults in high-income countries, those in the U.S. were most likely to have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions by a doctor. In 2016, nearly one-quarter (23%) of U.S. adults reported a mental health diagnosis, compared to fewer than 10 percent of adults in France, the Netherlands, and Germany.

Emotional distress rates are higher among people worried about neighborhood safety issues or having enough money for food or housing. U.S. adults with emotional distress are the most likely among the countries to have these social and economic concerns.

The U.S. has the highest suicide rate among 11 high-income countries, and the rate has increased every year since 2000.

The U.S. has one of highest death rates from substance use disorders.

The U.S. has a relatively low workforce capacity to meet mental health needs.

Including mental health providers on primary care teams is less common in the U.S. than in some other countries.

U.S. primary care practices are among the least prepared to manage patients with mental illnesses.

broke that up into short sentences for midgets to be able to handle
Just curious, do you care about Gun Violence, or are you just in it to kill time and have an argument? I've never seen you address the weekly murders of people in Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles.

If you're so outraged, why don't we see you post when 3 kids are innocently gunned down in a drive by shooting by gang members at the playgrounds on the south side of Chicago?

You seem fixated on just specific events, but not the weekly mass death toll ongoing in the inner cities, cast upon all races and class. It’s hard to take you seriously when you cherry-pick selective outrage to spotlight and post about.

he is trying to justify his own lack of spine
man fixated on chicago gun violence wonders why man another man is fixated on gun violence