Must be Saturday...

The man wanted by law enforcement for the killings of five Texas neighbors – including a 9-year-old boy – had entered the US illegally and been deported by immigration officials at least four times, a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement source said.

“We walked inside and my wife was talking to the police, and we called five times because he was being more threatening,” Garcia recalled.

Before the deadly confrontation at Garcia’s home, five 911 calls had been made to report the gunman shooting his rifle outdoors, the father said.

Authorities got to the scene as fast as they could, Capers said. But his small force covers a large county, he said, and the home is about 15 minutes outside town.

Trust police to protect you. :ftard:
^^ That is the source of a lot of the issues that lead to killings

Like Sandy Hook, Columbine and Aurora?

I think it’s mass psychosis and isn’t really necessarily one common cause. I also don’t think any law will curb it, it’s going to keep getting worse for the next 20 years or so.
Like Sandy Hook, Columbine and Aurora?

I think it’s mass psychosis and isn’t really necessarily one common cause. I also don’t think any law will curb it, it’s going to keep getting worse for the next 20 years or so.

I dont think it is one thing. But i think that in the case of stuff like sandy hook, its young people who either have older parents and because of that, were genetically fucked up from the start, causing mental instabilities. Or they were deemed 'adhd' or whatever other buzzword was agreed upon to relieve parents of the blame for being a shitty parent, and were then doped up to almost catatonic levels all through the formative years in a person's life when they are supposed to be learing interpersonal skills to deal with the shit that life throws at everyone. And when they decided to get away from their medication or their medication no longer was doing its job, did no have the skills to deal with trauma, whether real or perceived and resorted to a weapon.

I think that the stress levels in this country for most everyone are in the stratospheric levels, add to that, various reason for a large portion of this population either medicated for or haven't yet been diagnosed with some kind of mental issues and THAT is a large contributor

We love to medicate the fuck out of people, many time with medication that we don't even fully understand. I have seen more than a few meds for depression in commercials and the statement 'while we don't know exactly how XXXXXXX works...' How the fuck do you sell something that alters brain chemistry and not know how it works?

We live in a world where stimulation is constant 24/7-365, people are doped to the gills, dont know how to handle personal interactions and we have media in all its forms whipping that shit to a crescendo because fear sells.

My guess is if you got right down to it, it is a massive PILE of contributing factors that leads up to someone picking up a gun and going into a school. Taking a way guns just means they will use knives, or cars, or crock pots and the push to remove the AR15 specifically is way more politically motivated than it is a public safety concern.
Literally do not give a shit about what works for other countries.

Mitch why doesnt your fat ass just spend the money on fatfuck surgery? Maybe you can ask them to find ur neck while they are at it
Literally do not give a shit about what works for other countries.

Mitch why doesnt your fat ass just spend the money on fatfuck surgery? Maybe you can ask them to find ur neck while they are at it

Nice new schtick you've got there, moron.
Wall of shit that doesn't happen in other countries.

Nice essay retard.
shit that doesnt happen, mostly because of the reasons in that 'wall of text' you apparently do not have the mental capacity to understand.

I know, too much thinking...too much reading..kys
ITT: people of Europe don't suffer from stress or other mental health issues. Only Americans. You couldn't make this fathole up.