Lets say we know for a fact aliens DO exist….

Boomerman said:
The great equalizer IMO is the recorded word of God that would be compared between the two worlds should a meeting ever occur. Quite simply if god does exist it stands to reason that there would be several paralells in the historic texts of each race. even here though things could be completely different. I mean who is to say that the other alien race screwed up so bad at the start that God had to send a savior down to them to be sacrificed in the name of thier sins? Perhaps they got it down right the first time?

This topic could be debated forever. it's a good one. :)

I hazard to guess that this would only be a "great equalizer" if it agreed with the bible. What if it mirrors Buddhist doctrine, would the Abrahamics convert?

I doubt it.
it's entirely possible that the universe is the size it is simply to PREVENT us from discovering each other until such time perhaps as we are ready for the implications of interacting with each other.

I'm going on memory and not fact here but...humankind is the only animal on earth that only utilizes a very small protion of it's brain. We know that as time has gone on we have started to learn to utilize more of our brain functions and it stands to reason that this development will continue.

Perhaps from a biblical standpoint it will be decided by a higher power that two races on two different worlds have gained the required level of technology and higher understanding as a whole to "discover one another". I would base one requirement as our ability to co-exist with one another on our OWN planet first.

Also who's to say it hasn't happened already between other civilizations on other worlds?
well like i said.. the show told us more ... saying that we need less to live .. etc etc.. leadin us to believe that its even more possible life exists on other planets.

i think they know that it DOES exist but they need to let society as a whole know more slowly
I think religious views would most definately be affected.

First off, there is the possability that God exists, and that the aliens would have some form of matching or similer recorded religious meterial. If their religious doctrine matched any particular religion to a convincing level, it would casue all non beleivers of that religion to reevaluate.

If the alien religion did not parrallel any human religions, then whatever God you beleive in either deemed it unimportant to spread the word of his religion, or does not exist. (it appears , as far as religions like christianity are concerned, very important to whatever god it is, that people have faith. Therefore it would be a paradox to require beleif, yet provide no meterial to base those beleifs on; or allow false beleifs.)

I think it definately would take issue with religion. Perhaps not on a per-religion basis, but in the grand scheme of things, I know I would have to take this into account for my own beleifs.
Imposter said:
Actually, that bit about us only using 10% of our brain is bullshit.

yeah i agree.. i bet it gets used for normal stuff like maintaining rhythm for blood flow.. or nutrition.. etc etc
AkumA said:
Im not saying i believe one thing or another. I just am curious about what this would mean to religion.
Doesn't necessarily mean anything. Where would you, or anyone else, get the idea that God would choose to only create Man and then stop? What's to stop Him from continuing to create over, and over, and over?

Last question: Why does it/would it matter?
If you think a little beyond the box, it becomes apparant that it could possibly upset religious trends.

Would that matter? I'd say it matters if it is important to you. I think considering these things is important, but plenty others consider it useless, for their own valid reasons.
Usher said:
If you think a little beyond the box, it becomes apparant that it could possibly upset religious trends.

Would that matter? I'd say it matters if it is important to you. I think considering these things is important, but plenty others consider it useless, for their own valid reasons.

Two things:

One. There is life of some form out there. Period.

Universe is too huge for there to not be some form of life.

However, unless we fundamentally rewrite physics sometime in the future, we're never ever ever going to meet them face to face.
This topic is a really good one...

I have so many intakes about that...

By probability, the universe is big enough to assume that at least one more form of developed life will be out there... mathematically speaking even if the probability is ridiculusly small, it is most likely to happen again.

this topic also reminds me of the mathematical theory that if you put 10 monkeys with 10 typewriters, and give them infinite amount of time, they will eventually write a dickens novel... and if you think about it... it is possible that they will write the same novel numerous times... this can also be said about the universe, where it is possible that there are more life forms... hell... if the universe is big enough, with an infinite amount of given time, it is possible that the exact same culture will develop on some planets, and infinite amount of time to the future... some person identical to me will post on identical gaming board about possibility of aliens...

or maybe we are the first specie to evolve, mathemetically it is possible that the first probability of life forms developing is us, which means that we will be millions of years ahead of any other life forms to come...

these topics are just too big and complicated to have an answer... and i dont think religion has to do a lot with that... religion has to do with the interaction of god and us... think about Sierra and Tribes... Tribes is just one of many projects that Sierra develops, yes they still got tech support but they do not focus only on tribes... i do believe in god, but with so many unknown things about universe and god, it is possible that he got more planets that he created, and possibly he doesn't want to mix them... sure... Starsiege: Tribes and StarSiege are two different things, they are said to be taking place on the same gaming universe but they have nothing to do with eachother...

maybe i should take philosophy :p