Lets say we know for a fact aliens DO exist….

Mabelrode said:
But considering just what a mindblowing event this would be, every human on Earth, whatever his faith [or non-faith] will have some serious thinking to do. :alien:
I don't know about that...I'm perfectly accepting of the possibility of life elsewhere.

I just don't think we've been visited yet.
nah dude, they'll worship ben :p

actually i'm a firm believer that if they're anything like us humans, they'll come here, see us as undeveloped savages, enslave us, and make us convert to their religion.

we've been doing it for centuries. Britain, Spain, Portugal, and some others...
Vlasic said:
I don't know about that...I'm perfectly accepting of the possibility of life elsewhere.

I just don't think we've been visited yet.

Oh, i hear ya Vlasic, but I think the majority of people everywhere would really have to take a sit-down and have a beer or three. Sure, we imagine these things, make movies about them.. but to have the gov't and big-name scientists come on TV and go "There are aliens and we have contact with them," people would freak.

kjdraco said:


I'd be running right behind you, screaming in horror.
BlaKe said:
And what religion was there 3000 years ago? fukin tards

Brain > Religion
Get one!

Not to start this tangent, but, quite a few. For my own personal faith, there are traces of asatru dating back.. to the end of the stone age.
Given the billions of galaxies and billions of star systems I think it's only logical to assume there are a boat load of intelligent alien races out there. I don't think they've visited earth though.
Imposter said:
Given the billions of galaxies and billions of star systems I think it's only logical to assume there are a boat load of intelligent alien races out there. I don't think they've visited earth though.

Boatload as in Chinese illegal immgrants or as in Hatian illegal immigrants?
You know given the near infinite number of worlds possible, you'd have a near infinite number of intelligent species.

Thus, probabilisticly speaking, one of those species must be named bob.
Imposter said:
You know given the near infinite number of worlds possible, you'd have a near infinite number of intelligent species.

That happens to be one of the two primary theories. That with an almost infinite number of worlds possible, given the extreme circumstances needed to sustain carbon based life, you would still have an almost infinite number of life in the Universe. Then with those almost infinite number of life forms throughout the Universe, you would still have an almost infinite number of life forms that evolved into an intelligent species.

And taking from your probability, you're right, one of those species will be named Bob. Potentially, an almost infinite number of those species will be named Bob.


We are it. It has never happened before us, and it will never happen again. We're alone in the Universe.
This is an interesting topic really. I think that we will eventually come into direct contact with life from another planet or solar system at some point in the future. Considering the growth rate of our technology curve it seems reasonable to assume that we could solve the puzzle of light speed within the next few generations.

Meeting an alien civilization that was intelligent, meaning similar in evolution to us or perhaps superior, could certainly either dispel or confirm the exsistance of "God" once and for all. For one as mentioned earlier it has been said that man was created in the image of god...there are different ways to look at this here...did god create a bunch identical looking creatures on different planets at different times with different pysiological makeups? Perhaps like an experiment to see which civilizations thrived and which ones faltered and even died? Perhaps there are humanoid creatures that look exactly like us but breath hydrogen and live in 1000 degree heat.

Another way to look at it is that there is no basis in fact that God's "image" can be interpreted to mean visually to look the same. In this case alien races elsewhere might look totally different to adapt to thier environment the way we are adapted to our own. Time is another factor that we cannot count on...it was said that god made the world in seven days but it's also common knowledge that the modern calender and method of timekeeping didn't develop until far far later. What is a day to god? 24 hours? 10000 years? a million years? it's unknown! I mean if god worked us out in one ethereal "week" and then took two weeks off before his next project that could put us a million years ahead of the next civilization...or millions of years behind others before us.

The great equalizer IMO is the recorded word of God that would be compared between the two worlds should a meeting ever occur. Quite simply if god does exist it stands to reason that there would be several paralells in the historic texts of each race. even here though things could be completely different. I mean who is to say that the other alien race screwed up so bad at the start that God had to send a savior down to them to be sacrificed in the name of thier sins? Perhaps they got it down right the first time?

This topic could be debated forever. it's a good one. :)
Sojourn said:
That happens to be one of the two primary theories.

More likely, imo, there's a middle ground. The universe is not infinite, its just stupidly big. Thus there are probably a LOT of intelligent species, but if the nearest one is in the andromeda galaxy, we won't be getting together for lunch anytime soon.
Boomerman said:
This is an interesting topic really. I think that we will eventually come into direct contact with life from another planet or solar system at some point in the future. Considering the growth rate of our technology curve it seems reasonable to assume that we could solve the puzzle of light speed within the next few generations.

Meeting an alien civilization that was intelligent, meaning similar in evolution to us or perhaps superior, could certainly either dispel or confirm the exsistance of "God" once and for all. For one as mentioned earlier it has been said that man was created in the image of god...there are different ways to look at this here...did god create a bunch identical looking creatures on different planets at different times with different pysiological makeups? Perhaps like an experiment to see which civilizations thrived and which ones faltered and even died? Perhaps there are humanoid creatures that look exactly like us but breath hydrogen and live in 1000 degree heat.

In that case, with an almost infinite number of alien civilizations, an almost infinite number of them would be quite superior to us. Why haven't we seen undeniable proof?
Boomerman said:
The great equalizer IMO is the recorded word of God that would be compared between the two worlds should a meeting ever occur. Quite simply if god does exist it stands to reason that there would be several paralells in the historic texts of each race. even here though things could be completely different. I mean who is to say that the other alien race screwed up so bad at the start that God had to send a savior down to them to be sacrificed in the name of thier sins? Perhaps they got it down right the first time?

You know there's actually fairly recent sci-fi book on this premise. Unfortunately I don't recall the title or author, but it was about a coallition of alien races who when they met found that they had all shared some sort of religious experience at about the same time...
He's fighting the aliens right now...

Imposter said:
More likely, imo, there's a middle ground. The universe is not infinite, its just stupidly big. Thus there are probably a LOT of intelligent species, but if the nearest one is in the andromeda galaxy, we won't be getting together for lunch anytime soon.

"It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination."

That's also my take on it. The Universe is just too big to take a stroll to visit your neighbor. It makes for interesting conversation, though.