Lets say we know for a fact aliens DO exist….

mthd said:
only dumb ass humans that need to have an explanation for everything have gods. btw they already found life on mars in the form of bacteria. science > *

Actually they were unable to determine that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Nessal said:
Actually you do need sunlight to have life. If there is no sun light then there would be no heat. The only thing that would exist on that planet is ice if water even exist on it in the first place.

You guys post too fast, I hate you.

no.. the earths core is hot as hell.. it releases gasses and some sea life can life off the gasses alone..
AkumA said:
no deep within the ocean the earths core is hot as hell.. it releases gasses and some sea life can life off the gasses alone

the sea floor is void of oxygen and the sea life lives off of the carbon dioxide in the water produced from the molten magma spewed by volcanos within the earths crust. there is no light and no oxygen and sometimes no heat.

what this means is that Akuma wins this portion of the debate.
BloodyShark said:
probably nothing, I dont think the bible said a word about God NOT creating anything else.
Indeed. In fact I do recall the Bible saying He created the whole universe.

And the Bible, Qu'ran, etc.. were all written by inspired human authors. I doubt God directly talked to them, and even if He did in a rare case, I sincerely doubt He said "Love your neighbor as yourself, and oh yeah, there are aliens living in a star system 9.3 light years from you."
I already said this, there are aliens and they have a treaty with our government to abduct people at their own choosing as long as they dont create widespread turmoil in exchange for alien tech to the US Gov't. Where do you think we got stealth from? :p
My serious take:

Considering how vast our universe is, I don't doubt that somewhere, on some planet trillions, quadrillions, or even more illions of miles than that away, there is life of some sort. I don't doubt that on planets inhospitable to us, some kind of specially adapted organism that actually breathes hydrogen/methane/whatever actually thrives. There's a lot of animal life on planet Earth that defies our definition of living things, so I've never discounted the possibility of alien life on other planets.

If there is intelligent life, however, it has yet to contact us. For all we know, maybe some race on par or above our level HAS discovered us and is sending an emissary, but like us, perhaps they can't break the light barrier in terms of spacecraft speed. If there is anybody intelligent out there who knows about us, we probably won't see them for millions of years...maybe longer.

If any intelligent alien race establishes a culture anything like ours, I wouldn't doubt that they'd have a religion or something similar or two to explain how the universe came about...or, for all we know, they could have one-upped us and discovered the truth about the origin of the universe and the way things work. If they're at or around our level of thinking, I wouldn't doubt that they'd come to the same conclusions as most humans do...either there's a rational, scientific explanation for how the unvierse came to be, or maybe it was some higher force beyond our comprehension.

Or maybe they subscribe to Benism -- the belief that the universe is one big joke told by God to his friend outside the drugstore while he's on a smoke break.

EDIT: One small addition to answer the question of "Doesn't this throw religion right out the window?" -- For some religions, maybe. For other religions (Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Taoism, etc.), probably not. It depends on which version of God you subscribe to.
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[Golbez-RG-] said:
I already said this, there are aliens and they have a treaty with our government to abduct people at their own choosing as long as they dont create widespread turmoil in exchange for alien tech to the US Gov't. Where do you think we got stealth from? :p

oh come on

There might be some technologies that may be suspect

but stealth?

whoop de do, put some special paint on a plane and make sure it deflects all radar radiation at right angles so radar can't see it
Archimedes said:
Doesn't change religion a damn bit.

i bet if it were factual the biggest out cry would be from religious people

so, i disagree
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I agree with kuma here. I don't see how alien life could co-exist with Christian doctrine. Just the basic things like God creating man in his own image and God sending his ONLY son to die for man (so the aliens are hellbound, I guess?). The discovery of any other intelligent life in the universe would force many Christians to re-evaluate their beliefs, no way around it.

tripod knows
organised religion worked back when inbreeding and beating your children was still wide spread (pnet-icey)
"Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity -- in all this vastness -- there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us. :browsmile"
- Carl Sagan
Maybe we haven't been told aliens exist because they are hostile. I think people would freak totally if we knew we were all doomed. I know I'd be at the home theater store getting me a 65 inch flat screen to pass the times till our demise.

If we're the only ones out here, sure seems like an aweful waste of space!!!
I imagine the Abrahamic religions will undergo some serious trouble as to how to respond. The rest of the various widespread, 'organised' religions will likely have less to go through, since being 'earth-based' [living in some kind of harmony with the world], they tend to be planet- or human-ocentric. They'd prolly just change their bylines from "earth-based" to "Earth-based".

But considering just what a mindblowing event this would be, every human on Earth, whatever his faith [or non-faith] will have some serious thinking to do. :alien: