Lets say we know for a fact aliens DO exist….

Sir Lucius said:
There's probably more than one god anyways. Obviously the Christian god is just selfish.
I have a hard time believing there's one god, much less more than one :]
my grammer blows.. LOL i sound better in RL i assure you.. sorry.. you get the jist of it though :)
AkumA said:
my grammer blows.. LOL i sound better in RL i assure you.. sorry.. you get the jist of it though :)
I wouldn't know, you won't hang out with me.

I don't bite.....much
My head hurts. A friend and I discussed this same thing for 3 hours Friday night. One theory pretty much negates the next imo.
Vlasic said:
The existence of life on another planet will have very little impact, I would imagine.

On existing religions, probably.

But on almost everything else, the definitive, planetwide recognition of extra-terrestrial life would alter every culture.

If anything could bring about global unity, that would. Then again, it could be a catalyst to the end of the world as well.
only dumb ass humans that need to have an explanation for everything have gods. btw they already found life on mars in the form of bacteria. science > *
If there is a god and he created the universe just for humans, then he wasted alot of space (yay pun).
CapnPyro said:
yeah, but then what if the aliens are fiercly loyal to their praying mantis like 'Kronak' God that shat their planet out one gassy night and shit every other planet out in the galaxy. no no no, we say God created our world in 7 days. we had adam and eve. the bugs tell us our world was shit out, the next thing you know we're pullin a battlefield earth enslaved to our tall bug like captors, no hope for humanity, all because of a silly god you can't prove exists.

boy i'll bet you all feel pretty dumb now, huh?
I think Tyler wins this argument.
hi sean <3 Kuma

im not even saying ALL life has to be carbon based.. that was just an example... life can live off of anything is what im getting to. We use to think we NEED sun and water.. now we know we just need water to have life..

so basically life can live off of any 1 thing and they are realizing that more and more every day.

So according to your posts you guys seem to think it wouldnt be that big of a problem. I dunno if it happened i forsee MAJOR religious revolts.. i cant tell you specifically why but it would piss off a lot of people i think.
When it comes to the subject of GOD, I'm a believer. However, I leave him (or her, or it, or whatever...) alone, and expect the same in return.

I spend maybe 0.0000001% of my time thinking about the existence of a supreme being.

As far as forces that affect my life, I believe in basically one thing: personal responsibility. The only person/thing that's going to make anything happen for me is me. I'm responsible for whatever state I'm in, and if I'm not happy with it, it's up to me to get out of it.
mthd said:
only dumb ass humans that need to have an explanation for everything have gods. btw they already found life on mars in the form of bacteria. science > *
No, they think those samples may be contaminated. Irrefutable proof that life existed on Mars still doesn't exist.
AkumA said:
im not even saying ALL life has to be carbon based.. that was just an example... life can live off of anything is what im getting to. We use to think we NEED sun and water.. now we know we just need water to have life..

I think that's a very limited view. There's no logical reason why you can only have life where there's water.

It's a complete arbitrary. Think about it, what's the reason we need water? A medium. A transport medium. It's used to carry nutrients and other things to where they are needed in the body. Chemically, blood is very, very similar to sea water.

There's no reason that life requires water. That's just a limited tunnel-vision view based on evolution here on earth.

To quote that verizon commercial: "Step away from the box."
daerid said:
I think that's a very limited view. There's no logical reason why you can only have life where there's water.

It's a complete arbitrary. Think about it, what's the reason we need water? A medium. A transport medium. It's used to carry nutrients and other things to where they are needed in the body. Chemically, blood is very, very similar to sea water.

There's no reason that life requires water. That's just a limited tunnel-vision view based on evolution here on earth.

To quote that verizon commercial: "Step away from the box."

I think you misunderstood. I believe he means that as far as we know all life (meaning all carbon based life) requires only water. We have yet to discover anything that can live in the absence of water.
daerid said:
I think that's a very limited view. There's no logical reason why you can only have life where there's water.

It's a complete arbitrary. Think about it, what's the reason we need water? A medium. A transport medium. It's used to carry nutrients and other things to where they are needed in the body. Chemically, blood is very, very similar to sea water.

There's no reason that life requires water. That's just a limited tunnel-vision view based on evolution here on earth.

To quote that verizon commercial: "Step away from the box."

we we use to need sun and water says scince... i agree with you.. but to have life on this plant (as of now due to law in science) we NEED water.. i think we will find life that can live off more basic shit. I mean.. how did we get there? Earth wasnt this evolved or advance when it started ya know?
Gwaihir said:
I think you misunderstood. I believe he means that as far as we know all life (meaning all carbon based life) requires only water. We have yet to discover anything that can live in the absence of water.

ya u got it
Actually you do need sunlight to have life. If there is no sun light then there would be no heat. The only thing that would exist on that planet is ice if water even exist on it in the first place.

You guys post too fast, I hate you.
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My geek side always like to hope that the star wars galaxy really exists in some far off galaxy, and that someday they come here and we get to visit their systems and like get lightsabers and sweet technology like theirs. Like I said, thats my geek side talking.
Ok, that's cool

My only beef with science is that sometimes a scientific law seems so arbitrary. It's like "This is the only thing we have observed, so it's a LAW".

Idunno, I guess I just have to keep in mind that it's a law for this planet only.
Nessal said:
Actually you do need sunlight to have life. If there is no sun light then there would be no heat. The only thing that would exist on that planet is ice if water even exist on it in the first place.

Not if the planet has a molten core like ours does.