Let's have another dumbass cops / gun control thread.

He wouldn't drop a toy gun when ordered to and this is a gun control topic?

Olympic standards of stupidity much? Let's do a quick quiz. How many dead people would there be in this scenario if these dumb fucking cops were not carrying guns?

a) 0
b) 1 or more
c) I don't understand the question.
How many fucking examples do you gun fuckwits need to see to know how wrong this all is?

What is wrong is you sold out to the enemy for a profit. Don't you worry about this country. You might think you have the world by the short and curlies but that's just pretend, because when the King wants too he will take everything you consider yours including your life.
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"I'm sure you can tell he's a 13-year-old boy," Abrey Martin told KGO-TV. "He's not some maniac."

UMM thats exactly what he looked like carring that around and not putting it down when cops told him to.

"The Press Democrat quoted the boy's mother, Sujey Annel Cruz Cazarez, as saying, "Why did they kill him? Why?""

because of this..."Deputies also found a plastic handgun in the boy's waistband, Lt O'Leary said."

good thing he wont be around to start carrying real guns around.

i feel the police did the correct thing this time.
yeah I mean it sucks. But seriously even if some how he didn't understand what was being yelled at him. He was pretty much old enough to know that cops shouting at him with their real guns wasn't a good thing. :shrug:
cops should shoot all Mexican and negro children on site
I see nothing wrong w this
Motox is a fuxking idiot
every time some dumb motherfucker like mitch posts gun control shit like this, i'm just gonna post this from now on. so fuck you, idiot.
