Just back from China


Tribalwar Overlord
Veteran XX
Having been in China specifically Shenzhen, I want to share my thoughts and hopefully break some stereotypes because it sure broke mine. I'll start by saying China is light years ahead of the US in many ways. First and foremost is how easy you order and pay for things. They use WeChat pay (would be similar to Apple pay) for EVERYTHING. No credit cards, and hardly any physical money is used. Every store, every cab, every toll booth, every parking garage, everything has a bar code you scan on your phone and a menu pops up for you to authorize. We walked into a Burger King to get a latte (yes) and there is a bar code on the wall. You scan it and the entire BK menu is pulled up on your phone and you order from that. No waiting in lines. The residents have lock boxes for incoming mail as well that have an electronic bar code. Scan that and the appropriate box auto opens so you can get your package. You drive up to a toll booth, scan the bar code from your car window and the gate automatically opens up after you pay. Very efficient without any hassle.

Also if you have a designated parking garage, when you drive up it reads your front license plate and auto opens which was cool.

The other thing that blew my mind was how clean the city was. Any parking garage is spotless, the floors shined. The city streets constantly patrolled and swept and there are no funky smells of urine and whatnot. No tagging, no one yelling profanities. Every morning the older retired crowd goes out and exercises together either by Tai Chi, fan dancing, or a variety of other things to keep moving. Certainly not an overweight problem here at all. China has also made a HUGE push to electric vehicles. Every taxi, bus, and every single one of those moped/scooters that pack the city are 100% electric. I did not see a single gas 2 wheel vehicle.

The driving in the city is the one downside because I think the lines that divide the lanes are purely fictional. People will cut you off without looking in a heartbeat. People do walk in the right lane a lot and those mopeds are everywhere splitting traffic from every direction. Still I did not see a single accident so it is more like organized chaos.

That's it for now. Did not mean to make a huge wall of text :) Just wanted to share what I have learned on this amazing trip. I am also probably 20 lbs heavier in 1 week from all the good food.
Thats great...with the exception of givi g up all your freedom to the state and the very real risk of imprisonment and/or death for not blindly obeying the government.
Thats great...with the exception of givi g up all your freedom to the state and the very real risk of imprisonment and/or death for not blindly obeying the government.

see that is a dumb stereotype. I had no feeling of oppression or government involvement at all. My girl is from there are we just had a great time.
Unless I am mistaken, Shenzhen is one of, if not the most, technologically advanced cities they have.
Shenzhen is like the one really hip young modern city though. Go to Beijing and you'll find 6 families living in a single tiny courtyard. Go to rural China and you'll think you're in the 1800s.
i only spent a few days in China (well, HK to be exact), but I fucking hated it with a passion

dirty, smelly, overpopulated, and full of rude people

Shenzhen sounds lovely :)
yes it's amazing what brand new infrastructure is like

it's too bad we can't afford all that
yes it's amazing what brand new infrastructure is like

it's too bad we can't afford all that


glad you agree the US needs to cut out the $2.3+ trillion it spends every year on [illegal] [strike]social programs[/strike] handouts and invest in our infrastructure instead
i'm already on the record for being all for eliminating social security, medicare, and anything else oldsters use

i'm glad we agree
i'm already on the record for being all for eliminating social security, medicare, and anything else oldsters use

i'm glad we agree

no youre not and what you said isnt the same thing either

nice try though

and I know you want to agree with me

get any pics?

i have a buddy from hs that moved there a few years ago for teaching and it looks pretty awesome overall.