Jesus fucking christ you losers are still here?

er.. feels like I saw his sig like a week ago. Has it been a decade? Maybe I have been sleep-playing monkey island.
clicked to see if you still had the lemon guy lighting a match for a sig. thread delivered.

some of us stay here just to laugh at the neverending trainwreck of cuck rage. if trump were fucking these guys' wives in front of them it would only further solidify their vote for him in 2020

I left this community over 10 years ago...

I really thought this place would have boarded up by now. I remember glancing at the frontpage maybe a year after I left and realized I didn't miss it at all. This coming from someone who spent 3+ hours a day here every day for probably 8 or 9 years.

I believe the catalyst for leaving was making some random thread about something I thought was funny and in usual TW fashion everyone bitched about how unfunny it was. I responded with "fuck you if I made this same post but stated how unfunny it was everyone would come in and say the opposite." So I did, and everyone did just that, until they caught on to what I was doing, which lead me to the conclusion that posting here was pointless.

I was shocked for about half a second to see a 100,000+ post, pro trump maga thread here until I remembered what this community was like. A bunch of contrarian-for-it's-own-sake, sad, vitriolic, sexually and/or socially frustrated men desperately trying to win the approval of anyone in their life, and a handful of familiar people online is the only place you feel you can attain that. This is an eerily accurate profile of almost every mentally unstable American-terrorist psychopathic killing-spree shooter we've had in the last 15 years, of which there have been a lot at this point. This place is an echo chamber for your own hatred and frustrations and I understand the comfort in that, but it isn't healthy. I say that because to an extent I was that same person. But I was also a frustrated teenager for the majority of time I was here. I'm 32 now. It was fun at the time being a cunt to random people online in the early 00s. Now grow the fuck up. Get out of your own heads and this worthless community devoid of empathy or compassion for your fellow man.

Anyway, I hope your lives improve and you guys aren't on some government watch list but you probably are.

Oh is Morbid still around? That guy was cool.

you should check out tw discord though

also i love you sig
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I do agree with the fact that this place went to shit content-wise. I still visit like once per day / two days out of habit. Mostly quickly read 1/2 threads and that's it. But it's always the same people saying the same shit to each other over and over again.

It's just a lot of reddit nowadays. At least there's actual content over there. :shrug:

P.S. no i won't leave, because i can't live without Mitch and tehvul in my life.
Maybe we will see him in another 10 years when he comes back and reeeees about some more old shit
Maybe we can get an update from Daedalus on how awesome he thought of Another LiFE on WokeFlix.

welcome 2 my sig