It's pretty obvious Bernie ain't gonna win. So, Hillary vs Trump.

I feel like i can replace Trump with Hillary in this and it would still be true.

This election is the worst on record, it's terrible. I'd vote for Bernie for the simple fact he might actually do a few things that wouldn't cause the country to burn.

is it really? or are we just waking up to the bullshit thats always been there?
Eh well depends how you look at it I guess. I thought the Obama/McCain election was pretty good. Both candidates had decent platforms and ideas. McCain would have won if he hadn't selected Little Miss Dumbass as his VP. Romney, while a sleezeball millionaire did halfway decent things in Massachusetts and had decent ideas. His downfall was he was so out of touch with normal people nobody could take him seriously.

This election? You have an 80 year old socialist, a CEO with no political/military experience, and an ex first lady who has never governed anything herself and every job she's ever had is clouded in scandal.

Yea this election makes Bush vs Gore look like Beethoven vs Mozart.
a CEO with no political/military experience, and an ex first lady who has never governed anything herself and every job she's ever had is clouded in scandal.

vs a community organizer and a first lady that every grade school/high school kid in America hates?
what's wrong with common core? i've yet to see anyone present any evidence of any problem with it. everything i've been shown as some kind of proof of a problem has actually been proof that the person presenting it is too stupid to understand or comprehend something intended for children.

Common core is an easy thing to blame the nations education failure on. You say Common Core is a federal thing, and that it's a failure and that you want to bring education back to the LOCAL level and let LOCAL people decide how their kids should be educated instead of a scary nameless faceless bureaucrat and people cheer wildly.
I have a really bad feeling that former Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano is going to be dide.

Judge Warns Hillary "Should Be Terrified" After Justice Grants Email-Staffer Immunity

But as reports, Judge Andrew Napolitano warns "She should be terrified of the fact that he’s been granted immunity," adding that "they would not be immunizing him and thereby inducing him to spill his guts unless they wanted to indict someone."

Napolitano argued that the revelation that former Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano, who set up Clinton’s private email server in 2009, is reportedly being offered immunity means he will likely be called to testify against someone much higher on the “totem pole.”

Pagliano will likely be asked how he was able to “migrate a State Department secure system onto her private server.” He then presented this theoretical question: “Mr. Pagliano, did Mrs. Clinton give you her personal Secretary of State password to enable you to do that?”

“If he answers, ‘yes,’ we have an indictment for misconduct in office as well as espionage. She should be terrified of the fact that he’s been granted immunity,” Napolitano added.

The Judge explained that only a federal judge can grant immunity and will only do so if a sitting jury is ready to hear testimony from the “immunized person,” suggesting the investigation is well on its way to a possible indictment.

“We also know they are going to seek someone’s indictment, because they would not be immunizing him and thereby inducing him to spill his guts unless they wanted to indict someone,” he said.​
I've learned from this thread that people just blatantly ignore the felonies Hillary has committed.
Surprise - Hillary is one of the reasons why Trump is so popular. The last thing we need is another conniving, out of touch douche from yesteryear in office. Break it down - clean out DC with Trump and let's shoot for a reset. Think of him as a tornado. The meta must be altered and he is an agent of change.

Anyone who knows the term pyriscence will get the association. That's what we need in DC. We need a fire to go through and allow some new players to fill the ranks. Think of Trump as the fire and the folks that have been cock-blocked by the Bush's, Clintons, etc as the forest. Trump is going to clean house and shake things up which will allow an entirely new crop of politicians into the seats. This is a good thing. Don't be short sighted. Just look at how angry everyone is at him. That's because he doesn't fit their plans and agendas. I view this as awesome.

Don't believe the hype about how the country will fall apart and the world will end. Not going to happen. I view him as the rare opportunity to say - fuck you DC - you need to re-think your actions. Hopefully - the newbs will learn. I hope this ushers in a new era of less PC/offended people and more politicians that are not afraid to speak their mind.

Have you ever been stuck in a huge traffic jam? That's what DC is like now. All slots are filled - everyone is in-line for something. They all have plans. They are all wasting time and trying to get to the next level. Then - there is this guy that just whips by everyone in the shoulder on a motorcycle. Everyone is like "Hey! Who is that asshole? How come he went in the shoulder? Jesus. Maybe I should get a motorcycle?"

This is pretty much my feeling. I realize Trump is an absolute fuckshit and I wish he'd ctrl+k, but the reaction that he's getting from "the establishment" is fucking hilarious. It's so entertaining that I actually want him to win to troll the fuck out of these regular politicians and get some new bodies in there. But we risk trolling ourselves anyways. The whole thing is a fucking mess, but Hillary would change nothing. Trump would come in like a tornado, but force every country to hate us even more with his bigotry. And there's no doubt he's racist as fuck, which I dislike. It's Bernie or Trump. But honestly I probably wouldn't vote at all if it really came down to Hillary vs Trump, I'd just cry.

The Idiocracy movie is becoming real right before our eyes.

I've learned from this thread that people just blatantly ignore the felonies Hillary has committed.

Also, this.

Clinton is a fucking monarchy. She's been in the white house for far too long. She and her wall street friends can kiss my dick. She won't do shit but ruin the middle class even further by expanding the H1-B Visa program for example.

If she were to win I wouldn't be upset though, she's definitely more qualified than Trump.
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This is pretty much my feeling. I realize Trump is an absolute fuckshit and I wish he'd ctrl+k, but the reaction that he's getting from "the establishment" is fucking hilarious. It's so entertaining that I actually want him to win to troll the fuck out of these regular politicians and get some new bodies in there. But we risk trolling ourselves anyways. The whole thing is a fucking mess, but Hillary would change nothing. Trump would come in like a tornado, but force every country to hate us even more with his bigotry. And there's no doubt he's racist as fuck, which I dislike. It's Bernie or Trump. But honestly I probably wouldn't vote at all if it really came down to Hillary vs Trump, I'd just cry.

Racist against who? Don't buy the idiot hit pieces being put out by the establishment. The stupid KKK bullshit. They played that playbook against everyone to scare black people. The Mexican thing was meant to be talking about the drug cartel illegals who bring drugs across the border, they are rapists, and generally 'bad doods'.
bernie is a bitch, like his punk ass supporters.


looks like his rape fantasy became a reality, with a twist.
as far as i know, those "classified emails" were not classified at the time they were sent...they were classified after the fact - including a fucking news article.

i mean....i hate the fact that she had her own email server (even though it was probably more secure than the governments! haha) - many politicians appear to do this to get around FIOA requests and the like....but to try to say she is a traitor or some shit is going off the rails.
as far as i know, those "classified emails" were not classified at the time they were sent...they were classified after the fact


The government’s basic nondisclosure agreement makes clear the rule is “marked or unmarked classified information.”

The emphasis throughout the classification system is not on strict legalities and coded markings, but on judgment. In essence, employees are required to know right from wrong. It is a duty, however subjective in appearance, one takes on in return for a security clearance.
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as far as i know, those "classified emails" were not classified at the time they were sent...they were classified after the fact - including a fucking news article.

i mean....i hate the fact that she had her own email server (even though it was probably more secure than the governments! haha) - many politicians appear to do this to get around FIOA requests and the like....but to try to say she is a traitor or some shit is going off the rails.
