It's pretty obvious Bernie ain't gonna win. So, Hillary vs Trump.

save the common sense no-nonsense straight talkin for your geriatric wife and try actually engaging with an issue.

it's NOT legal in the state of california to file a slapp lawsuit like the one trump did as cited above. and guess what? he got called out for it and he got punished. and he said he thinks that's unfair and he wants to change libel law to be more favorable to plaintiffs.

to use your analogy, this would be like if it was illegal to trip, some player constantly tripped and had penalties left and right, said player said "well i think that's not fair and one day when i'm commissioner i'll change the rules to make tripping legal", and you voted for him while still maintaining some weird cognitive dissonance that tripping is wrong

It's hard to keep up with the rules in the US so - there you go. It would be more like - it's ok to trip between the 20 and the end zone in the 4th quarter when you are behind in score but you are not playing any team in CA.
nope it's not at all like that

it's "don't file a lawsuit you know you can't win as a way of forcing a settlement/compliance out of someone who can't afford a lawyer"

the entire football analogy breaks down anyway because donald trump has lawyers to tell him "donboy ol gay pal we just can't win this one" so that he can say "oh don't worry i don't care file it anyway let's stick it to the american public". and that's where the anti-slapp statute comes in and says "lol nice try now you get to pay for the defendant's legal fees too"
nope it's not at all like that

it's "don't file a lawsuit you know you can't win as a way of forcing a settlement/compliance out of someone who can't afford a lawyer"

the entire football analogy breaks down anyway because donald trump has lawyers to tell him "donboy ol gay pal we just can't win this one" so that he can say "oh don't worry i don't care file it anyway let's stick it to the american public". and that's where the anti-slapp statute comes in and says "lol nice try now you get to pay for the defendant's legal fees too"

How about the judge should just look at the case and say "This is fucking absurd. Not only can you not sue but we are going to fine you for even thinking of it." And not even bother the intended target? With the addition of increasing penalties for filing frivolous suits. "due process" in the US often equates to raping taxpayers in the ass.
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idk what you're asking but i can assure you based on his stance on anti-slapp and libel donald trump would fiercely oppose it

If you haven't figured it out - I am not voting Trump because I like everything Donald stands for. I am voting for Trump to give the US and DC what we deserve. Hopefully it results in a major overhaul or at least major chaos or some change in direction. Sad times when to be heard you have to go over the top and do something against the grain. If I had a choice - someone like Rand Paul would be more my style but I am in the minority. So - fuck it. Go USA - Go Murica. Anyway - It shouldn't matter what the fucking president wants - that is up to congress to figure out - which we don't do much of any longer. So - fuck them all - clear it out. Put Zaphod Beeblebrox in control with the full power of executive action and memos as used with increasing frequency by Obama and others. Let's see what happens when we continue down the path of dictatorship. Nothing like a little reality check to summon a wake up call.
ok sweet i'm glad you're happy to be voting for a candidate regardless of policy

you're the one that cast doubt on his chilling first amendment stance
ok sweet i'm glad you're happy to be voting for a candidate regardless of policy

you're the one that cast doubt on his chilling first amendment stance

Actually - I think he has done wonders for the first amendment.
Guy is a scrapper. He uses all the tools at hand to fight like a motherfucker for whatever he wants without too much worry about what he says. He does not fear those who would try to take him down using pitiful tactics and he has the resources to fight back. He also uses the same resources to fight others. Scrapper. Perfect to send into DC. At least what he is doing will be mostly visible. This cat comes with it's own bell pre-attached.
besides actually liking trumps policies, go to his site and read about a 20% flat tax or auditing the fed, fixing health care, i like that he's sticking a rusty dagger in the heart and a hot fire poker in the ass of the evangelical establishment. religion needs to die out
Or at least become private again. I don't think any sensible person cares what fucking religion anyone else is until they try forcing themselves down other peoples throats via law, violence, shame, guilt, etc. Religious people need to STFU and lead by example with their mouths closed. Yes- they have freedom of speech but no one likes spam. So - the message just pisses people off after their mind is made up.
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hilldawg just took Louisiana, which basically nullifies bernies wins today
sry bernie

this election is fucking retarded

Now this:


this is a pretty funny coincidence
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Quit fucking people and start helping people by helping people help themselves wherever they may be starting with the USA.
Obviously liberal propagandists there to sabotage his voter bases public image.
I have given this some thought and concluded I cannot vote for Hillary or Trump. The only candidates I could vote for are Sanders or Kasich.
I have given this some thought and concluded I cannot vote for Hillary or Trump. The only candidates I could vote for are Sanders or Kasich.

Funny that you would vote for the only two that would probably die in the knock-out game.