Is the original Tribes programmer (GotMilk?) hinting at another Tribes game?

i dont get haggis, and peepl like him, unless its some kinda alzeimer or depression thing y they so excite for shit despite said shit being shit last 1000 times.

or maybe its a downy thing

I hope theres an in game store where i can buy upgrades to my genitals and customize my pronouns
in shifter u culd get the penis curse and it made u weigh super heavy and jets culd only make u barely skim the ground and u just kinda slide around like a disabled retard with a huge dick - i think it also used to change cd music too
I want the [IE]-Natural swinging dick and balls its only available in the next premium battlepass.
i think that mite b where ben reed was taking her w/ his mspaint saga b4 he got banned irl by a smoke detector