If you supported Obamacare, do you feel it was success?

Radio report.

Here is the last quarters report, 1.9 billion earnings reported: http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/~/media/6D1831E7FE574C3C8424F5FD9C2C15CF.ashx

Here is an article referencing 1.4 billion in Q1 profit and upward revisions of 2015 numbers: http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20150416/NEWS/304169977

There are tons of problems with the ACA, but its biggest failing is the idea that insurance should be the driving force behind healthcare decisions.

In the end the "best" possible situation is private insurance supplementing some basic universal healthcare system. Profit and healthcare are imperfect bedfellows fraught with hazardous moral dilemmas. In the US at least we have serious issues with how we handle end of life care and the costs associated with extreme measures to extend a persons life by hours or days.
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We can all take comfort in knowing the 250 lbs diabetic drinking 2500 calories of Starbucks sugarwater while smoking two packs a day typing away on his ipad while waiting for his MLP Twitch stream to take off is now fully covered.
you do understand that brand name shit is a total scam right?

yeh but if you give me the offbrand shit im ok, Cept i dont get that. i get 3 different ones that i need to be on for like 3 months before they decide i can go back to brand X. I really dont give a shit if its name brand of not if it works.
yeh but if you give me the offbrand shit im ok, Cept i dont get that. i get 3 different ones that i need to be on for like 3 months before they decide i can go back to brand X. I really dont give a shit if its name brand of not if it works.
It's the same stuff. A generic has to be exactly the same as the name brand version.
I could literally write anything and you'll respond to a projected answer. I mean why even bother attempting an actual discussion? Snorkel platypus plastic bag cherry pickled sunglasses.

Lets give it a try......

Back to the snorkel platypus plastic bag cherry pickled sunglasses again. More nonsense right wing rhetoric. I love how in the right wing world snorkel platypus plastic bag cherry pickled sunglasses aliens get all this free stuff. They don't get welfare or Obamacare or Obamaphones or Obama tampons.

Snorkel platypus plastic bag cherry pickled sunglasses don't get Obamacare. They have nothing to do with it. They can show up to an ER and get care, but that was the same before.

Is it the liberals or the snorkel platypus plastic bag cherry pickled sunglasses.? Or snorkel platypus plastic bag cherry pickled liberals? Or snorkel platypus plastic bag cherry pickled sunglasses lefties?

Guess what? The baby boomers got old and are draining the system. That generation fucked things up for the next. What do we do? Borrow, borrow borrow and pass the fucking to the next generation.

How about this one: how about cutting defense and military spending? We can still fund troops in actual warzones, but what about all the needless bases around the world left over from the cold war? How about we stop funding billion dollar planes that don't do a thing? Our enemies hide in caves and make homemade bombs. We don't need a plane that appears the size of a mosquito on radar to blow them up. Nobody ever questions this though.

Yep.....fully interchangeable and equally dishonest

Good point Fool.....Kerosene31 is a dishonest bullshitter (moran) not worth responding to

At least he sounded kind of poetic, in a cat in the hat sort of way, with your wordage added to his leftist lunacy.
maybe paying more in taxes will help that

maybe we should make mandate requirement

pass these legacy costs off to you so you feel better about them
maybe paying more in taxes will help that

maybe we should make mandate requirement

pass these legacy costs off to you so you feel better about them

That's really what you think of people, isn't it? Honest question - how many camouflage pieces of clothing do you own? Not functional hunting gear, I'm talking as a fashion alternative. (you're not the only one who can make ridiculous generalizations about people!)

If you actually want to see gov't spending cut, check out the libertarian party. The GOP has done nothing to cut spending. The deficit exploded under W and keeps going under Obama.

Here's the guy I'm voting for (one of his 25 votes nationwide)

hey look you did it again

from the makers of "we always had illegals"

we always paid for them

now pay your taxes......pay those individual mandates we just created

just because you aren't sick doesn't mean you shouldn't get sick from our societal bullshit

of having to pay for others idiocy and then taxed for not being able to afford more of it.....

hey look you did it again

from the makers of "we always had illegals"

we always paid for them

now pay your taxes......pay those individual mandates we just created

just because you aren't sick doesn't mean you shouldn't get sick from our societal bullshit

of having to pay for others idiocy and then taxed for not being able to afford more of it.....


Illegals don't get Obamacare you mouth breather :lol:
here's our healthcare system in a nutshell for the uninsured

1) Get into car accident.

2) Ambulance ride ($850)

3) ER care ($2500)

4) Followup visits ($1000)


Total: $4350 out of pocket

And that's a car accident with minor injuries. If you get cancer, just declare bankruptcy already.

These costs are high because the hospital has to treat everyone, regardless of their ability to pay, and a whole lot of people don't pay.. not because they're bums, but because no average person can reasonably be expected to come up with 100k+ when they get sick. Healthcare is expensive because no one can afford to pay for it. Except insurance companies.

Enter the insurance company. Your ambulance ride is only $850 because insurance will pay for it. EMTs make 15 bucks an hour. It doesn't cost $850 to spend 10 minutes in an ambulance. It just doesn't. But insurance will pay for it, because the hospital charges it, in part to recoup lost income due to people filing bankruptcy or being uninsured or whatever.

The hospitals would love to charge regular people $100 for that ride, $150 for the ER visit, and $50 for the followup. But they can't. They have to charge the same amount they charge insurance companies. Anything else is insurance fraud, you know?

So the solution is this: Everyone is insured. It's a shitty, half-measure solution. No one is going to get into catastrophic debt, which is great, but a lot of young people will pay way more than they reasonably need.

The better solution is this: Healthcare is subsidized by the government. It comes out of your paycheck, you never have to think about it, and it just happens. We're all human, we're all going to need healthcare, and getting really sick is mostly random chance. It's about as fair as fair can be.

holy shit i think i actually agree w/ triple
It's the same stuff. A generic has to be exactly the same as the name brand version.

i don't understand how you are not understanding what i am saying lol. I don't care if i get Generic.. but not under Obama Care i have to use shitty medicine thats NOT the generic of what i had before because its cheaper and then i have to say it doesn't work. Then they give me another substitute and then i say thats not working before they prescribe to me the GENERIC version of what i was already on before obamacare that worked fine. So i basically go 6-9 months without the right shit because of procedures. I understand its because doctors prescribe whatever kick backs they get but fuck dude i need whatever works.

i don't understand how you are not understanding what i am saying lol. I don't care if i get Generic.. but not under Obama Care i have to use shitty medicine thats NOT the generic of what i had before because its cheaper and then i have to say it doesn't work. Then they give me another substitute and then i say thats not working before they prescribe to me the GENERIC version of what i was already on before obamacare that worked fine. So i basically go 6-9 months without the right shit because of procedures. I understand its because doctors prescribe whatever kick backs they get but fuck dude i need whatever works.


When do I start getting these kick backs?