if the jews are so bad and dumb

it's a pretty fucked up time to be alive for us whites in america

The concept of a "holocaust," gas chambers, or burning tons of jews only came about long after the war was over. Every camp that we know today as a "death camp" was reached by the kiked Soviets first. The camps they did not reach first we know today as "labor camps."

Allies had ariel photos of all these places and they never enough caches of fuel for the incinerators, and it would be mathematically impossible for any of the camps to have the capacity to burn on such a large scale.

Zyklon-B was used to save jewish lived by de-lousing in singe 1-man chambers. When you see skeletal looking jews in the camps, they are not starving, otherwise their bellies would be bloated. They have typhus, which is spread by fleas, which Zyklon killed. The so-called "gas chambers" had no cyanide residue left in the walls to indicate those rooms were ever gassed once. The architecture of the gas chambers makes no sense either. if they were real they would kill everyone in down wind villages. If anyone did die in such a way, all their skin turns a bright cherry red, which looks very dark on B&W film. No such pics exist.

It's illegal to say what I have posted in 14 countries, almost all white-majority. It's the only aspect of history that is illegal to question, and it's because they want to demoralize and demonize us generation after generation. Spread the truth, so many teenagers see it's a lie today it gives me hope.



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Are you on Disability? I've wondered what kind of mind can post these things and still work a job, pay bills, function in society.
Have u seen how dumb the Whites are here? Left-curve space inhabitants for sure. You keep your right-curve intelligence out of here super-bank-lawyer-success-jew! Go hang with the Asian Einsteins so these tightey whiteys don't get upset.

says the white guy here.. :lol:
The internet was so much better in the late 90s and early 2000s because most everyone was white. Minorities could not afford a home PC then, and if they did they probably used it to listen to rap music, not make websites and share their thoughts on forums.
The internet was so much better in the late 90s and early 2000s because most everyone was white. Minorities could not afford a home PC then, and if they did they probably used it to listen to rap music, not make websites and share their thoughts on forums.
That's because the internet shifted to phones with apps. POC are very good at video taping everything, and posting it on an app for the world to see.

POC are talking about their faults in dating videos, but most POC women don't watch them, even though the clips are on TikTok and YT.

For example, POC men are getting passports, leaving the USA, and dating women over seas because they are nice. The POC women are pissed about this, because no one is dating them (Overweight, Loud, Demanding). The media told them to be BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) but that's not what men want.

This is similar to the Jews. If you come out and tell them their faults, then you're called an Anti-Semite in the media, even though it may be true. The bans on Twitter have been reversed for many. However, the Jews are not discussing their faults in videos. It's always everyone else that are Anti-Semites.
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