if the jews are so bad and dumb

Because they have this word called Anti-Semite that let's them completely cancel someone if they say anything bad. If people got over the cancel words then we could talk the truth but the cancel culture is strong.

The other thing they do is weasel their way into high power positions at companies, banks, media, government, and social circles. If people didn't let the Jews become CEOs of their company, things might even out. It's why everyone was protesting during the Occupy Wall Street march. They were pissed at the Jews for pilfering companies with their huge salaries, while everyone else is barely getting by. Those CEOs defend their position by saying the shareholders voted for it. Jews only make up 2% of the population of the USA, yet they are in control of everything.

so basically the jews did everything we were told we needed to do as kids and ignored?

I don't think anyone has ever claimed that Jews are dumb or stupid, quite the opposite.

This is obviously some sort of clever anti Trump baiting thread, but I really can't be bothered trying to figure out what your dumb ass is trying to f\do here.
iit i learned that people equate dumb with intelligence, and can't determine that it can also mean other things like lame.
and no not lame like they have a limp
like uh, they are losers
but only because you are jealous of their success
their success comes from gaming the system while calling everyone else cheater when they do the same

shut up jew
it's a pretty fucked up time to be alive for (((us whites))) in america

used to be you could call people whatever slur you wanted and tell women if they looked sexy or just give them a compliment bc they look good at work that day or let them know you appreciate their efforts to present themselves with a shoulder rub or pat on the butt or just letting them know that they're not performing as well as the men but if they want to move up the ladder you'd take a blowie

now you can't do that shit anymore without everyone screeching and trying to cancel you and shit

Jews aren't bad and dumb, literally nobody thinks that. Jews are evil and adversarial (toward Aryans). That means they are in competition with us, and are winning because they've dismantled our ability to even recognize that there's a war between our peoples.
if america is good at anything, it's war between people that arent even sure why they are at war

false statement absent
iit i learned that people equate dumb with intelligence, and can't determine that it can also mean other things like lame.
and no not lame like they have a limp
like uh, they are losers
but only because you are jealous of their success

who the fuck are you talking to?
if america is good at anything, it's war between people that arent even sure why they are at war

false statement absent

Well, I oversimplified a lot, mainly because I've been trying to explain the detailed version for over a decade with no success because idiots refuse to think, so IDGAF any more. It's boring. Jews have made it so that white people don't even identify as Aryan. Blacks are blacks, but whites are mutts with no relation to one another. Meanwhile, jews have a yearly meeting of the World Jewish Congress where all the big jew orgs come together to decide their common agenda for the upcoming year and analyze what went right and what went wrong the preceding year. Again, you have one group of predatory, hostile people working together against another group of people who doesn't even think itself a group but an unrelated set of individuals with no common interests. It's clear what the end result will be - the extinction of the Aryan race, creator of everything that is good and beautiful in this world, and the victory of the jewish race, which destroys all things beautiful it comes in contact with and none of which it itself can create.
Let them keep on attacking rich nigs. That shit will wind up back firing. Nigs dont have the white guilt to keep them at bay. they literally dgaf
Well, I oversimplified a lot, mainly because I've been trying to explain the detailed version for over a decade with no success because idiots refuse to think, so IDGAF any more. It's boring. Jews have made it so that white people don't even identify as Aryan. Blacks are blacks, but whites are mutts with no relation to one another. Meanwhile, jews have a yearly meeting of the World Jewish Congress where all the big jew orgs come together to decide their common agenda for the upcoming year and analyze what went right and what went wrong the preceding year. Again, you have one group of predatory, hostile people working together against another group of people who doesn't even think itself a group but an unrelated set of individuals with no common interests. It's clear what the end result will be - the extinction of the Aryan race, creator of everything that is good and beautiful in this world, and the victory of the jewish race, which destroys all things beautiful it comes in contact with and none of which it itself can create.
This ^ 100%
damn this thread got some great content

have u guys looked into the truth about Auschwitz
Is there any way we can stop giving other nations and cultures our money?
I'm an Ultra Mega MAGA Nationalist Culturalist
damn this thread got some great content

have u guys looked into the truth about Auschwitz

Never forget