i quit drinking

I'm the same way, Fancy. It's all or nothing, once I've had a couple it's all over.

The dipping will be hard to quit. I'm trying to quit (again) and it's really hard. That stuff is like crack.

As far as the drinking...it's unbelievable how retarded people are :lol:
Whenever I used to be the DD for a group of us I would think "my God...is this how I act when I'm cocked?"
if i want to get fucked up that fast i'll just go jungle juice with everclear

I'm not talking about you getting fucked up. If you are throwing a party girls usually love the hunch punch. A liter of PGA for $10-14 or a handle of $12 aristocrat doesn't make much of a difference. It has its advantages, but with that being said I don't think I'll ever just go buy a bottle of it and say hey I want to get wasted. Outside of my freshman year I can't remember ever drinking any of that shit (and even then I would only drink it with a good bit of OJ).
maybe now you can get in shape

I'm debating not drinking until i see my boys at home for christmas

it'll probably last till friday
good luck

its an admirable thing to actually go out and NOT drink but still have a good time, its also very difficult since 99.9% of the people in the place will have a drink in their hand.

id like to do it eventually as well, before shit gets bad :x
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Who will make the drunk jokes at the next UVA(if there ever was another one).
dont give up drinking, its not worth it.

give up getting drunk, thats more what you are after. Beer is just too enjoyable (better for you than soda) to give up
nothing bad happened or anything lately so don't draw any conclusions.

just decided its not for me anymore. alcohol has never really done anything good for me. i can go out and have fun without it just like i did before i was 21 (i didn't drink before i turned 21, thats right, i never drank in high school)

so thats that. no more drunk postings from me. :]

dont give up drinking, its not worth it.

give up getting drunk, thats more what you are after. Beer is just too enjoyable (better for you than soda) to give up
Seriously, I don't see how you can't control yourself and limit yourself to the casual beer.