i quit drinking

Are your parents Mormon?

No, but my parents never really drink. They would have wine once a year when i was a kid, and I remember my dad drinking when we went skiing in Switzerland when I was 8 or so, but thats about it.

I am not a big drinker myself. I guess it sorta rubbed off on me but I can have a blast with my friends without having to drink :shrug:.
I am about to turn 21. Im not a huge drinker but im having something to drink at my birthday dinner. My parents are going to be shocked.
I think I have drank(drunk/drinked?) more with my parents than I have with friends :lol:
You are gonna feel great once you quit smoking and dipping. I found I could sleep better, was in a general better mood and could get up easier in the morning when I quit smoking and dipping.

I too have the addictive personality. Some of my friends quit smoking but only smoke while drinking and things like that. I am completly unable to do that, I am an all or nothing type of gent, it is either a pack a day and chewing when I can't smoke (or it's too fucking cold out) or no nicotine at all, I can't do it in moderation :( Drinking I still do in moderation... but I am only 20 so I may have to evaluate that down the line also.

Good luck sir
I stopped drinking about 6 months after I turned 21 a while back. Now I just drink when I go to football games or 2-3 times during a month at the most. I only really had fun going out to the bars (especially underage) but they have grown old.
i think instead of pondering your alcohol consumption habits you should add me on xbox live. That uproarrr guy is me.

I'm not a heavy drinker and rarely get wasted. I drink occasionally just to have a drink, either a guiness or vodka martini with my food or while watching a movie. Or I'll have a few beers while watching a game, but that's about it.

For some reason it seems like once you're out of college your tolerance goes down, probably due to more infrequent drinking. I used to be able to run a beer pong table for 2 hours, or down shots like mad in kings/quarters. Now I have a martini or two and get a buzz.
You are gonna feel great once you quit smoking and dipping. I found I could sleep better, was in a general better mood and could get up easier in the morning when I quit smoking and dipping.

I too have the addictive personality. Some of my friends quit smoking but only smoke while drinking and things like that. I am completly unable to do that, I am an all or nothing type of gent, it is either a pack a day and chewing when I can't smoke (or it's too fucking cold out) or no nicotine at all, I can't do it in moderation :( Drinking I still do in moderation... but I am only 20 so I may have to evaluate that down the line also.

Good luck sir

Im quitting smoking on the 20th. Started taking Chantix yesterday to help out.
I drink a little less than once a month and I get drunk about once a year.

There is very little I find more enjoyable than having a few beers with a friend, and getting drunk is a lot of fun, but every weekend is a strain on the body and on the wallet.

Only good things will come of this.
i think instead of pondering your alcohol consumption habits you should add me on xbox live. That uproarrr guy is me.

I'm not a heavy drinker and rarely get wasted. I drink occasionally just to have a drink, either a guiness or vodka martini with my food or while watching a movie. Or I'll have a few beers while watching a game, but that's about it.

For some reason it seems like once you're out of college your tolerance goes down, probably due to more infrequent drinking. I used to be able to run a beer pong table for 2 hours, or down shots like mad in kings/quarters. Now I have a martini or two and get a buzz.

Yup same shit. Peer pressure had a little to do with it. It was near impossible to ever back down from any games of quarters or beer pong.
kings was the worst. once we didn't have beers so we took those 1/2 shot glasses and used those to replace seconds of drinking. the liquid in question was aristocrat. this was freshman year. worst night of my life.
It definately tasted like shit, but it was cheap and a good way to get fucked up. Especially if you were throwing a party and needed some shit for the hunch punch (if not using PGA).