I hiked 23 miles yesterday

Do you think you could walk 100 miles in 24 hours? Not climbing like this - just along a relatively level road for instance. This was a prop bet I saw on another site. Curious what the TW hikers think.

The western 100 mile run takes 24 hours if you have decent speed. Mind you, it's not extremely inclined and has tons of ups and downs.
The average person walks at about 5 km an hour.
The record for fastest 5km walked is 18minutes. It's about 15km/h.
If this speed is sustainable, I have no clue. I doubt it.
I once walked 25km in 5 hours, for the fun of it, and I was pretty tired at the end.
I stopped a few times to get snacks.
I was walking at a comfortable pace but I tend to walk faster than most people.
I think it's somewhat achievable but you'd have to be pushing the pace the entire time.

Those are my worthless 2 cents.
Thread delivers. The only thing that could make this any better would be to include women in various states of undress in your pics.

^ How did you take that pic. I've been trying to get smooth pictures from flowing water using F/22 but in daylight I just can't get long enough shutter time and it always gets overexposed :/

I do only have 50mm 1.8 and 17-55mm 3.6-5.4 tho. Extra equipment needed?

Yeah I'm n00b photographer

They effect of silky waterfalls in daylight is obtained using ND filters. ND stands for Neutral Density and don't tint or distort the incoming light, only cut down the amount so you can do long exposures in daylight. They are like sunglasses for your lens.

The other cool thing you can do with ND filters is setup long exposure pictures indoors in what would normally be a high trafficked area by people (like a mall or museum). Since the people are constantly moving but the area is still, your picture ends up coming out like there was absolutely nobody there.

That aside, badass hike and pictures ptavv