how fucking awesome is the USA?

i dont know what this subject has to do with america.

im canadian and mines done the same for the last 4 years. after reading this and being curious.. i asked a friend from belgium and another from ireland. both have this. wtf is wrong with americans that they think theyre special some how?
i dont know what this subject has to do with america.

im canadian and mines done the same for the last 4 years. after reading this and being curious.. i asked a friend from belgium and another from ireland. both have this. wtf is wrong with americans that they think theyre special some how?

Hello and welcome to TribalWar
you uppity europeon's need to SHUT YOUR FUCKING PIE-HOLES when an American is talking to you.

Show some god damn respect next time.
looks like some european fagz need to be reminded that they would be goose stepping children of the fuhrer without the good ole US of A
Everyone needs to remember one simple fact.
Canada is better than the U.S.A.
We even burned down your damn white house. So suck it.
Europeans are almost as oblivious as the ignorant yanks.
You are all second rate, possibly third rate, depending on your location.