how fucking awesome is the USA?

Everyone needs to remember one simple fact.
Canada is better than the U.S.A.
We even burned down your damn white house. So suck it.
Europeans are almost as oblivious as the ignorant yanks.
You are all second rate, possibly third rate, depending on your location.

You burned DC
we burned toronto when it had parliament buildings

at best I'd call it a draw
Everyone needs to remember one simple fact.
Canada is better than the U.S.A.
We even burned down your damn white house. So suck it.
Europeans are almost as oblivious as the ignorant yanks.
You are all second rate, possibly third rate, depending on your location.

I think your name says it all.
is there at least a #fuckcanada

I believe we can unite the country with that as the primary platform
I jsut got back Italy and I was singing America FUCK YA as the plane took off

Fuck Europe and their BOWELSHEYOT!!!!