hey guys, stop making fun of sleepy

by storks logic he is the biggest cheater out of any1 in the t1 community cuz he took the time and effort to make multiple youtube videos accusing cheaters and shows up in every thread about it

LOL fukin twink gg
ya 237 is real horrible at passing. this is an establish fact

he blame ping a lot but he just real low skill in general

also there is a good chance he hack 2

pretty typical for a bogan
dare i didnt accuse fedz or sleepy of cheating

kj and others did

as ladder admin it was my job 2 ban them or not

i ban them and make utube videos to show y

y is this so hard for you to understand?

is it because ur an uneducated fool who flunked twice?
as ladder admin was it ur job to run a ten team ladder into the ground with cheat accusations and bans of leaders as well

guess so

stork i have a career and a university degree you have a family run roofing gig and in the summer you set up sun screens for pools or something else that your family runs

you never went to university

i have nothing against trades workers and i really dont care about university degrees etc

you are a skinny twink with a tranny wife and have nothing on me
also ya i understand you are limited and have a background of authoritarian leanings but banning people that are leading teams in a 14 year old game because they may or may not be cheating (many ppl said they werent anemix etc) is just gay

of course that is right up your alley seeing as you were never good when the game mattered and have to get your ego from somewhere
a degree in what?

i didnt need a degree to do what i wanted

i have plenty on you...family, wife, and friends who love me and I am a p happy guy

fyi anemix, ace, and df said fedz was cheating, they said there was no way to prove it
i found a way

the person they said wasnt cheating was sf and he wasnt banned

u have been angry ever since last april
no stork you didnt find a way

you made an aspergers video online and got made fun of


also ya every1 knows you have a tranny wife and some family congrats

in the end you are stuck with that methed out tranny that looks like some1 dweasel has fucked

gg i am king etc
a degree in nexting ROFL

stork come on now i am not as retarded as you

i dont need to brag about my wife family career etc on here i keep these things private

at this point there are several people out there that would find it hilarious to call your local pd and report a domestic assault at your residence so wats up LOL