hey guys, stop making fun of sleepy

u know what is funny is that every1 thought snow was just amazing but i knew deep down even without real evidence that he must have interp when no1 else did because any1 who could keep up with me must be cheating, due 2 fact that there is no chance any1 could have reached the skill level i was at. opsayo knows truth

all u really got 2 do is watch that raindance demo he release and then u r like lol he using superhudbot

then later it come out that he buy nofix bypass for $60

it is all gfg
it not witch hunt

many time snow react 2 ppl he cannot see or hear and not on his hudbot

there is 1 instance that is pretty much concrete when he start jetting and drop nade when he got no indication someone coming from behind

then he shoot blind disc etc

he did this many time in pu b4 we knew wat super hudbot was and me and disk assume he just that good not realize the person not even on his hudbot
it show all person red triangle on ur map even they not close enough 2 u

in the demo tester assume his own hudbot showing these ppl so he not even look he just start drop nade and blind disc

then if u watch demo the person not on hudbot and u cannot hear the person so there no real way 4 him 2 kno that the person coming in from behind
i will grab the original logs off my other computer from when I sent sleepy the hacks the first time

these logs are great
here are the ones from the other night:

Session Start: Wed Apr 11 23:52:47 2012
Session Ident: TheMorningStar
[23:52] Session Ident: TheMorningStar (TribalWar, DiSk) (morningstar@twar-9e85336a.ma.comcast.net)
[23:52] <TheMorningStar> well, now i know why you were so pissed at me
Session Time: Thu Apr 12 00:00:00 2012
01[00:06] <DiSk> yeah is it because you're a huge faggot
01[00:07] <DiSk> with an ego complex
01[00:07] <DiSk> or is it because you realize that it ruins the game when u blatantly hack
01[00:07] <DiSk> sucks to get a taste of ur own medicine doenst it faggot
[00:07] <TheMorningStar> well, these people cheat becuase they think i do
[00:07] <TheMorningStar> and i ahvent forever
01[00:07] <DiSk> just shut up, i dont give a fuck
01[00:07] <DiSk> im going to smoke
[00:07] <TheMorningStar> i tried using iffs last night to prove a point, and sucked balls
[00:08] <TheMorningStar> but i understand why you got mad
Session Close: Thu Apr 12 03:22:29 2012