George Lucas: master-level troll of rich assholes

I like how you're framing this as some argument where my socialist ass should be on defense of "my system" because I called you out on making blatantly racist blanket statements against mexican immigrants.

Then pointing out that illegals are hardly the worst thing on the system, again you come at me with this 2+2=6 shit.

I think you really just want someone to argue with?
That is how he do. Ss is the kind of person who would insist that Muslims must apologize for isis.

He also doesn't really want to argue. Someone who wants to argue still employs logic.
I think this issue has to do a lot with the amount of traffic in the area vs. the amount of people on 15 speed bicycles between Novato and Point Reyes. The creation of a studio park would have increased traffic along the roads and made it hard for cyclist from San Francisco to ride around safely. So no studio.

Instead he wants to put in a low income residential area that will increase the traffic and make it hard on the cyclist.
They can widen the road. :shrug:
Isn't this about the over-entitled wanting to protect property values?

Quit making up shit that was never said.

Immigrants? You're confused. I said specifically 'undocumented citizens', there is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant. Some people cash in everything they have in the world to migrate here and they are highly motivated to be a success story they wouldnt be in their home country. A majority of illegals game the system and the numbers provided earlier are a testament to that fact. The numbers are UP no matter how much you deny it.

The 14th Amendment needs to be fixed to prevent a pregnant woman for clawing her way in and then dropping the kid -who is an immediate citizen and entitled to benefits. Guess who also benefits? What about the kids brought in illegally? They attend our schools and increases the cost. Our kids get less attention because of larger classroom size.

As I said, they contribute little while reaping the benefits. What about illegals being able to attend a university at taxpayer expense? Regardless the amount to finance these illegals, that's money that could have gone to citizens for school. In CA, that amounts to 6,000 students that are fucked over in favor of illegals. What a deal for them, right?

It must be nice to be generous with other peoples' money. In your world, it doesnt put more of a strain on limited resources for some mystical reason you have yet to answer for.


Do you?
Except for the injuns we're all immigrants.

You funny.

We're all immigrants there are no exceptions.
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I think he had that land long before the other rich peeps moved in, if he wanted to build a studio there and they cock blocked him, screw the rich people.
He also doesn't really want to argue. Someone who wants to argue still employs logic.
That's just not true in the slightest.

It's under some sort of false assumption that everyone is logical or is intelligent enough to be rational.
I like how you're framing this as some argument where my socialist ass should be on defense of "my system" because I called you out on making blatantly racist blanket statements against mexican immigrants.

Then pointing out that illegals are hardly the worst thing on the system, again you come at me with this 2+2=6 shit.

I think you really just want someone to argue with?


All you see is racism and now you're whining because you cant handle it.

Not my fault you want 'undocumented citizens' to live in your house at someone else's expense and you dont have the wisdom to understand the strain it puts on limited resources and denies citizens access to resources for preferential treatment to illegals. Nope, that's not racist or discriminatory at all giving 6000 illegals a free handout at the expense of say... black American citizens. O yeah, the mental gymnastics involved to justify that one, haha. Nevermind you just put the blacks to the back of the bus again.

And why not? You dont pay the bill. Just tell others to pay their fair share for you, it's the right thing to do.

Otherwise, if they dont pay the bill you refuse to pay, they MUST be racist! ( :rofl: )
What kind of retard doesn't understand the severe strain that virtually ALL immigrants put on society, let alone the illegal ones and baby droppers?

Strained! I'm strained! Are you strained bro?

Oh no bro we're all so strained :-(

Limited resources are a system of oppression
Strained! I'm strained! Are you strained bro?

Oh no bro we're all so strained :-(

Limited resources are a system of oppression
You're born wealthy and still living off of the fruits of your family.

Why are you posting? You don't even know what the word strained means. Gtfo.

And limited resources are a reality of a finite world. Sorry the universe is "oppressing" you.
Wealthy? Me? Lawls
I've just got white privilege is all

I also lived in Mexico for a while all by myself
And I'm a minority here in Texas, you know...Where all these turrible illegal immigrants are

It's so strained here
Wealthy? Me? Lawls
I've just got white privilege is all

I also lived in Mexico for a while all by myself
And I'm a minority here in Texas, you know...Where all these turrible illegal immigrants are

It's so strained here
Economy. How does it work?

[strike]democrats[/strike] 'progressives' only care about blacks at election time.

otherwise, they want the hispanic / latin vote (they have more) and will kick blacks to the curb every time just as they are now

but they say they care about black socioeconomic status as black communities burn, and that's all that matters. platitudes, not actual results
I guess economy works by having millions of illegals straining the system to the point of having a Texas economic miracle

I dunno tho. Those are just the facts on the ground

A ground so strained as to be oppressed
It's the stretch of road around the Nicasio Reservoir. It's Point Reyes Road, Novato Boulevard, and Old Nicasio Road. I think the Skywalker ranch property access road is on Point Reyes Road. Never went down there, and whenever I see George Lucas I just point at him and say "Gungans."

The place is ground central for the happy California cows commercials. There are very few commercial property areas, just a fire station and a cheese tasting place. It has a lot of rolling hills with cow farm ranch structures, a lot of pretty trees and outcrops of rock. It would be hard to widen the twisting road as it goes into Novato, because it is on the side of a hill. It is in the flat of the valley along Point Reyes Road and sure, you could widen it, but it would get expensive after you reach the reservoir, then all the way to green bridge and out to Laganitas, and on into Point Reyes, which is again along the side of a hill.

There are 800 acres for sale right behind Novato on top of a hillside, now used for grazing. It's between Stafford Ranch Lake and Novato on the other side of the road. They should build it there.

Every weekend there are about 1000 bike riders riding along Point Reyes Road into Point Reyes.
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Yeah, looks like it starts about 10 miles south of the reservoir. Probably same type of problem though. The Road looks like it might empty out into a rich neighborhood, so maybe that is where the protest is. I bet there are a lot of bikes along that road also, because it would mean not having to park and start in Novato.
What kind of retard doesn't understand the severe strain that virtually ALL immigrants put on society, let alone the illegal ones and baby droppers?


bitching about the new rope you just ordered to hang yourself with

it is what america does best now

fuck the lives matter.....even though we know that blacks disproportionately break more laws.....yet we celebrate making 40k+ new ones each and every year.


everyone deserves a living wage.....$15......$20.....$50 dollars per hour

but why is the cost of living and rent so damn high


we need a better economy....we need more jobs.....but we also need 20+ million more illegal aliens sneaking across the border, flooding the workforce with cheaper, often untaxed, labor, to take all those crappy, low skilled, jobs that white people wouldn't possibly do themselves.


seriously.....fuk u people. u deserve what you get at this point.

enjoy squirming in your soon to be cold piss soaked bed.
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Close the gates! Shut down the ports! Boot the browns and the blacks and the injuns and the chinks! White is right. Keep those genetics pure like the old royals.

I kid.

This is about George Lucas fucking over rich people. You people care way too much about race. On both sides!
george lucas cares about the minorities and the poor


unless, u know, they tried to illegally download one of his movies or didn't pay for permission to use something he thinks he copyrighted.

Lucasfilm sues brewery over Star Wars-inspired beer | New York Post

George Lucas Owns The Term DROID, Motorola Pays a Fee to License It | POPSUGAR Tech

George Lucas loses lawsuit over stormtrooper costume replicas

Apple sued over sound tech by George Lucas' THX - CNET

he is like a one man mansanto of compassion and caring. now going to use all his money to raise and farm seed his lovely nig nog babbies.
george lucas cares about the minorities and the poor


unless, u know, they tried to illegally download one of his movies or didn't pay for permission to use something he thinks he copyrighted.

Lucasfilm sues brewery over Star Wars-inspired beer | New York Post

George Lucas Owns The Term DROID, Motorola Pays a Fee to License It | POPSUGAR Tech

George Lucas loses lawsuit over stormtrooper costume replicas

Apple sued over sound tech by George Lucas' THX - CNET

he is like a one man mansanto of compassion and caring. now going to use all his money to raise his fellow nig nog babbies.

That's just actual George Lucas showing through. It strikes me that this whole cheap housing in rich neighborhood thing is spite thinly veiled in PR.