George Lucas: master-level troll of rich assholes


Veteran XV
George Lucas Strikes Back at Rich Assholes - The Other 98%

George Lucas, famed director of at least one of your favorite movies, is about to spend $200 million of his own dollars – no government grants or subsidies – to build an affordable housing complex in Marin County, CA. And a bunch of millionaires are freaking furious.

In a master-level act of trolling, the neighborhood that would house the complex isn’t just ridiculously wealthy; it’s also the same one that fought tooth-and-nail to block construction of a Lucasfilms studio three years ago.

A man who spoke to the Daily Beast under the condition of anynomyity called Lucas an “asshole” and said that he would prefer that “nothing” be built on Lucas’s 1,000 acres, currently sitting unused.
Sounds like the only rich asshole here is George Lucas.

If I bought my way into an expensive exclusive neighborhood, you'd bet your fucking ass I'd be against the building of an "affordable" housing complex next door too.
Builds affordable housing, forgets there are no jobs in the area for them and cost of living is much higher.
running down ultra luxurious property value with shitty section 8 housing then buying it up yourself then getting rid of the section 8 filth is brilliant
Even the force itself can't protect his neighbors property values from falling to the Section 8 wookies. Welcome to Death Star, CA.

Well played.
He's only building affordable housing because the NIMBY assholes blocked his plans to expand his studio on that same plot of land. Lucas was, at the time, the number two employer in the county.

And "affordable" in this context has a cutoff of around $75k/year.
George Lucas’s plan would provide the county with an additional 224 affordable housing units, ranging from one-bedroom apartments to three-bedroom houses. A local paper that got their hands on the plans, , the Contra Costa Times, reported that they include “a community center and pool, terraced gardens, an orchard and a “micro farm” or community garden, and a barn.” By privately funding the complex, Lucas retains decision-making power over what qualifies someone to live in the complex; spokespeople for Skywalker Properties have said that, while the complex will house anyone who meets the income requirement, Lucas specifically wants to set aside units for teachers, local workers, and senior citizens.
He's still a CUNT, but he may have to relent on the hd theatrical release of star wars to pay for it.
He's only building affordable housing because the NIMBY assholes blocked his plans to expand his studio on that same plot of land. Lucas was, at the time, the number two employer in the county.

And "affordable" in this context has a cutoff of around $75k/year.

If the 75k/year is true, I don't see the problem. Lucas is just trying to make his land profitable again, and it won't ruin the neighborhood.
Lucas specifically wants to set aside units for teachers, local workers, and senior citizens.

sounds pretty good to me. fill the units with teachers, seniors, and non-ghetto low income workers

he's not going to let a whole bunch of gangsters live on his land.

By privately funding the complex, Lucas retains decision-making power over what qualifies someone to live in the complex;
If the 75k/year is true, I don't see the problem. Lucas is just trying to make his land profitable again, and it won't ruin the neighborhood.

Marin County: George Lucas proposes 224-unit affordable housing development -
Mary Stompe of Novato, executive director of PEP Housing for the past decade, said regulatory controls will be filed with the county ensuring affordability of the residences, with targets set so that workforce housing applicants earn less than 80 percent of median income, and senior renters falling somewhere between 30 to 60 percent of the median.
median household income in marin county is $90k. that puts the eligibility threshold at $72k. nationwide median income is around $52k.

fuck those marin anti vax nimby morons. you get this same kind of bullshit twofaced progressive bullshit in santa cruz. affordability and poor people are great and awesome as long as they keep to their shitty little ghettos and stay the fuck away from my property.