George Lucas: master-level troll of rich assholes

right, because all immigrants are poor freeloaders.
you're being a racist dickhead.

:lol: ok (but that dog just dont hunt)

Are you saying that they initially DO bring alot to the table and DO NOT strain limited resources?

Whats your address so we can move several families into your house and you can support them. That will definitely prove you arent racist.

Your ignorance of economics is no excuse for you to label people who point out just how bad stupid ideas are. You're very emotional.
:lol: ok (but that dog just dont hunt)

Are you saying that they initially DO bring alot to the table and DO NOT strain limited resources?

Whats your address so we can move several families into your house and you can support them. That will definitely prove you arent racist.

Your ignorance of economics is no excuse for you to label people who point out just how bad stupid ideas are. You're very emotional.

I live in a town full of immigrants. They are no more a strain on the economy as all the normal citizens which have shitty part-time jobs.

The world's largest employer is Walmart, and virtually all of their employees (except those in management) are on government assistance.

In my personal experience, Mexicans are hard workers and I would rather hire one than the neighbor's white kid with his shitty entitled attitude.
the only reason people in the area don't want this to happen is more cars on the road

there is really only one road to use without going far out of your way

a lot of people around there commute to/from the city and by the time they get close to home they're in full meltdown mode

there is no chance there will be any "inner-city" shit since it's kinda out there and it's not well served by public transportation
I live in a town full of immigrants. They are no more a strain on the economy as all the normal citizens which have shitty part-time jobs.

The world's largest employer is Walmart, and virtually all of their employees (except those in management) are on government assistance.

In my personal experience, Mexicans are hard workers and I would rather hire one than the neighbor's white kid with his shitty entitled attitude.

:rofl: Holy shit. By all means, explain how adding more people to a system does not put more of a strain on a system with limited resources. This ought to be good. I'll make it easy for you: system supports 100 people with say, $100 /month. You add 30 more people without increasing the amount of resources.

If you want to add more resources for the additional people, where does the money come from?

You do realize we are talking about more than just Mexicans right? Nobody questioned their work ethic, what's being questioned is exploiting the system. Illegals have been granted tax credits or generally avoid reporting income since most employers hire them for cash. That means they are eligible for public assistance and get to use our public schools, which drives the costs up.

Quit being naive and a $ucker. $ocialism is for $tupid people.

Your point about Wal Mart is irrelevant unless of course, you are agreeing how gvt intervention into the marketplace has distorted labor markets. Are you really faulting a company that sees an opportunity to offset their costs because the gvt is more than willing to provide a safety net? You seem to not understand that nearly every other person would take the opportunity to offset their expenses in businesses, no differently than individuals do on their tax returns. What do you think would happen if that safety net was removed?

I question your competency to adequately adjudicate any problem based on your inability to assess the core problem of illegal immigration. If the best you can muster is "RACIST!", it shows how ignorant and reactionary you are.

If anything, I wonder if you're a racist who wants to exploit them for future votes -just as democrat politicians do.
If you want to add more resources for the additional people, where does the money come from?

I'll put this as simply as I can:
You are operating on the assumption that all of these people are a drain on the system. It's simply not true.
Park that old white man attitude off at Fox news where you got it from.
I'll put this as simply as I can:
You are operating on the assumption that all of these people are a drain on the system. It's simply not true.
Park that old white man attitude off at Fox news where you got it from.

Great answer!

Shows an in-depth, well thought and reasoned response.
Well you're coming out with this attitude like everyone is coming here just to game the system. Most immigrants I have met are here and not even on any assistance, here on a visa and working decent jobs.

Do I fault walmart? they are just doing what any soulless corporate entity does, maximize profits for shareholders while fucking everyone else. Yes I think it's the government's fault for allowing this to happen, not putting 2+2 together, and having corporate handouts on top of it. I brought it up because it's a HUGE problem, and the share of people gaming the system pales in comparison to the amount of people legitimately using the system because there is simply not enough money being paid out to legal, documented workers.

Ab-Norm-al Econ: Wage Growth Is Slower Than Productivity Growth Independent Of Education Level

Overworked America: 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil | Mother Jones

Income inequality is the real problem here. Theoretically it should be no problem to accept anyone and throw them at jobs that other people don't want to do. And they WANT to work. You're so concerned about financial stability of the government, what you should be arguing about is why the fuck we let things continue on this trend while the middle class disappears. We have college graduates saddled with debt that will not get paid off in their own lifetimes. Shit is ridiculous.
This is great!

We should move as many of the 'undocumented citizens' as possible into as many neighborhoods as possible, not just the wealthy. All neighborhoods, and make sure there is equality everywhere, including yours. Add some multi-cultural diversity u know. Just imagine having to learn a new language when you invite your new neighbors over for dinner.

Think of the economic benefits all this unskilled labor will bring, like driving up tax rates to offset the increased costs of public infrastructure, education, and assistance. Those of you that support illegal immigration should be ecstatic to watch your property values drop and have increased taxes to support these poor folk who contribute little to an already glutted labor market.

If you dont support bringing equality to all neighborhoods, you're a racist.

I bet you don't meet the income requirements needed to move into the George Lucas housing projects.
If you don't like George's affordable housing don't live there. He's building it on his own land with his own money. No one has the right to tell him what to do with his private property.
Well you're coming out with this attitude like everyone is coming here just to game the system. Most immigrants I have met are here and not even on any assistance, here on a visa and working decent jobs.

Do I fault walmart? they are just doing what any soulless corporate entity does, maximize profits for shareholders while fucking everyone else. Yes I think it's the government's fault for allowing this to happen, not putting 2+2 together, and having corporate handouts on top of it. I brought it up because it's a HUGE problem, and the share of people gaming the system pales in comparison to the amount of people legitimately using the system because there is simply not enough money being paid out to legal, documented workers.

Ab-Norm-al Econ: Wage Growth Is Slower Than Productivity Growth Independent Of Education Level

Overworked America: 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil | Mother Jones

Income inequality is the real problem here. Theoretically it should be no problem to accept anyone and throw them at jobs that other people don't want to do. And they WANT to work. You're so concerned about financial stability of the government, what you should be arguing about is why the fuck we let things continue on this trend while the middle class disappears. We have college graduates saddled with debt that will not get paid off in their own lifetimes. Shit is ridiculous.

SanFran doesn't allow some big box stores, walmart included. They also have a ridiculously high amount of unemployment and homelessness. If people want more money they should invest in worthwhile skills. If you want to live in a utopia where the handouts are given to people instead of companies and places like walmart doesn't exist you should move to the nearest Indian reservation.
SanFran doesn't allow some big box stores, walmart included.

meh, there's no walmart in Manhattan either. they generally like to own the land they build on. for many years there was no Walmart where I live in lower Fairfield County for this exact reason.
SanFran doesn't allow some big box stores, walmart included. They also have a ridiculously high amount of unemployment and homelessness. If people want more money they should invest in worthwhile skills. If you want to live in a utopia where the handouts are given to people instead of companies and places like walmart doesn't exist you should move to the nearest Indian reservation.

Point out one spot where I'm calling for handouts or socialism. Just more assumptions and blanket statements out of you guys..
Well you're coming out with this attitude like everyone is coming here just to game the system. Most immigrants I have met are here and not even on any assistance, here on a visa and working decent jobs.

Do I fault walmart? they are just doing what any soulless corporate entity does, maximize profits for shareholders while fucking everyone else. Yes I think it's the government's fault for allowing this to happen, not putting 2+2 together, and having corporate handouts on top of it. I brought it up because it's a HUGE problem, and the share of people gaming the system pales in comparison to the amount of people legitimately using the system because there is simply not enough money being paid out to legal, documented workers.

Ab-Norm-al Econ: Wage Growth Is Slower Than Productivity Growth Independent Of Education Level

Overworked America: 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil | Mother Jones

Income inequality is the real problem here. Theoretically it should be no problem to accept anyone and throw them at jobs that other people don't want to do. And they WANT to work. You're so concerned about financial stability of the government, what you should be arguing about is why the fuck we let things continue on this trend while the middle class disappears. We have college graduates saddled with debt that will not get paid off in their own lifetimes. Shit is ridiculous.

Quit making up shit that was never said.

Immigrants? You're confused. I said specifically 'undocumented citizens', there is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant. Some people cash in everything they have in the world to migrate here and they are highly motivated to be a success story they wouldnt be in their home country. A majority of illegals game the system and the numbers provided earlier are a testament to that fact. The numbers are UP no matter how much you deny it.

The 14th Amendment needs to be fixed to prevent a pregnant woman for clawing her way in and then dropping the kid -who is an immediate citizen and entitled to benefits. Guess who also benefits? What about the kids brought in illegally? They attend our schools and increases the cost. Our kids get less attention because of larger classroom size.

As I said, they contribute little while reaping the benefits. What about illegals being able to attend a university at taxpayer expense? Regardless the amount to finance these illegals, that's money that could have gone to citizens for school. In CA, that amounts to 6,000 students that are fucked over in favor of illegals. What a deal for them, right?

It must be nice to be generous with other peoples' money. In your world, it doesnt put more of a strain on limited resources for some mystical reason you have yet to answer for.

I bet you don't meet the income requirements needed to move into the George Lucas housing projects.


Do you?
I like how you're framing this as some argument where my socialist ass should be on defense of "my system" because I called you out on making blatantly racist blanket statements against mexican immigrants.

Then pointing out that illegals are hardly the worst thing on the system, again you come at me with this 2+2=6 shit.

I think you really just want someone to argue with?
I think this issue has to do a lot with the amount of traffic in the area vs. the amount of people on 15 speed bicycles between Novato and Point Reyes. The creation of a studio park would have increased traffic along the roads and made it hard for cyclist from San Francisco to ride around safely. So no studio.

Instead he wants to put in a low income residential area that will increase the traffic and make it hard on the cyclist.