[gaming]EA Louse 'why warhammer failed' rant

Warhammer apparently failed because their designers couldn't spell or use proper grammar.
there are many reasons why warhammer online wasn't fun... most notably the fact that mmo players hate pvp if it means competition or dying.

but the reason it failed is pretty simple: wow players.
Or that it wasn't a very good game. The endgame was executed terribly, the disjointed animation was obnoxious, and some of the balance was really stupid. (lol, let's make a pure healer that's worse than the hybrid healers who can actually do damage. Solid plan!)
I'm pretty sure the sheer lack of content for end game was a bigger factor than WoW players for it's failure. It had a really great start. Once people started capping out and realizing there is just nothing to do, and that never changed, they lost the bulk of their subscribers.
I think WAR's shitty engine and performance were the biggest drawbacks. If I were making a traditional MMO, the first thing I would do would be to make sure the responsiveness of character control and ability activation and animation sync were all on WoW's level.

For the life of me I don't understand why WoW is pretty much the only MMO to nail this. It's to the point where I think people overstate how good WoW's content is and understate how crisp and responsive the engine is. Everything in WAR felt sticky and disjointed.
I think WAR's shitty engine and performance were the biggest drawbacks. If I were making a traditional MMO, the first thing I would do would be to make sure the responsiveness of character control and ability activation and animation sync were all on WoW's level.

For the life of me I don't understand why WoW is pretty much the only MMO to nail this. It's to the point where I think people overstate how good WoW's content is and understate how crisp and responsive the engine is. Everything in WAR felt sticky and disjointed.
WAR made the design decision that skills should have different animations. Generally they are as long as the cast time, and some of them look really bad when interrupted. When the game was still in beta, the animations worked much better (because they always completed), but the actual control felt terrible (You couldn't really interrupt casts once started). People hated it, so they made a change that made the game feel better, but broke the animations all to hell (the shipping version).

Judging by how many games fail at it, I'm guessing it's actually pretty challenging to do correctly.
if as much love that went into the creation of the goblin starting area went into the entire game, it would have been fantastic.
WAR has actually made a lot of positive changes lately, but it's unfortunate that it really doesn't matter. You pretty much get one chance to be successful in the MMO world, and if you fail at it then that's it.

I remember Vanguard way back when it came out. One of the worst MMOs to be released. Everything about it was terrible. A few years after it's release I was dragged in to playing it for a month with some friends, and surprisingly enough it was a really great game. The downside is it didn't spark any interest, and people still didn't bother with it. First impressions are everything.

WoW had the content and kept it coming, kept people hooked, continued to advertise the hell out of it, and have been doing so since the start. Hell, despite how bored I have gotten of it from time to time, I always come back for expansions because I know it will be quality stuff.
if as much love that went into the creation of the goblin starting area went into the entire game, it would have been fantastic.

agreed that was really cool

I also liked the spell effects. I liked the pvp too but the animation issues were annoying as were some of the balance aspects

I had fun times with the tw crew though
Or that it wasn't a very good game. The endgame was executed terribly, the disjointed animation was obnoxious, and some of the balance was really stupid. (lol, let's make a pure healer that's worse than the hybrid healers who can actually do damage. Solid plan!)
i agree 100%

but wow players seem to dismiss these same things in wow because they are too addicted.

you dont still play do you? please tell me that you don't think wow has an endgame, good animations or is balanced...? cmon
Pessi - thanks for sticking up for my character. I am a little bothered the incident was even bought up again. I hadn't thought of it in a long time but it still pisses me off. Maybe some people are willing to let their reputation get shit on unfairly but I wasn't. It's not about a stupid game its the principle.
lol, so what genius posted that little snippet in the comment section? (The Rayn from Percival part)

because that was fuckin funny, as was the response

I bet most posters on TW don't even know the backstory to that
i agree 100%

but wow players seem to dismiss these same things in wow because they are too addicted.

you dont still play do you? please tell me that you don't think wow has an endgame, good animations or is balanced...? cmon
More so than any other current game, for sure. I haven't played much since about May, when my guild quit. The only game I've ever played with an endgame anywhere near WoW's was EQ, and that's a completely different ballpark. WoW's animations aren't anything to write home about, but they game feels tight and responsive. Given the choice between looking amazing and playing amazing, I'd choose the latter. No one has hit both, to my knowledge (Aion was probably the closest that I've played).

Balance is a much touchier subject. *True* balance in an MMO is probably a pipe dream. There's just way, way too many moving parts and interactions between classes to have everything be truly "balanced". In general though, I think they do a good job of it, if a bit slow to react. Tons of different classes have been, at various points, broken, or OP, but for the most part, everything has been playable since the TBC era. Compared to something like WAR, or especially Age of Conan, yes, WoW is balanced.

There's a ton of shit I don't like about the game, but it's still the best MMO out, IMO of course.
Pessi - thanks for sticking up for my character. I am a little bothered the incident was even bought up again. I hadn't thought of it in a long time but it still pisses me off. Maybe some people are willing to let their reputation get shit on unfairly but I wasn't. It's not about a stupid game its the principle.

Oh wait, this is legit?

Someone tell me the story plz
WAR was great for the first few levels, it's at the endgame that things died out. I fail to see how such mistakes are the outcome of greed or cowardice.

I remember Vanguard way back when it came out. One of the worst MMOs to be released. Everything about it was terrible. A few years after it's release I was dragged in to playing it for a month with some friends, and surprisingly enough it was a really great game. The downside is it didn't spark any interest, and people still didn't bother with it. First impressions are everything.

WoW had the content and kept it coming, kept people hooked, continued to advertise the hell out of it, and have been doing so since the start. Hell, despite how bored I have gotten of it from time to time, I always come back for expansions because I know it will be quality stuff.

Vanguard was amazing in it's extent but did absolutely suck in how unpolished it was. I still believe it could've been resurrected as a great PvP game had they at least a person dedicated to that but they didn't. In the end I blame it's downfall on the lack of support by SOE, it was doomed as long as they insisted on it playing second banana to EQ2.
Pessi - thanks for sticking up for my character. I am a little bothered the incident was even bought up again. I hadn't thought of it in a long time but it still pisses me off. Maybe some people are willing to let their reputation get shit on unfairly but I wasn't. It's not about a stupid game its the principle.
With all the shit you put up with as a result of this forum, it's the least we can do to stick up for you. =p