[gaming]EA Louse 'why warhammer failed' rant

blah blah EA is the devil blah blah i got laid off blah blah

If it was such a shitshow from the start he should have quit a long fucking time ago. Now he's upset that the shit game that he knew was shit, is actually getting released and is shit? NO FUCKING WAY!

Did he think that with all these problems that maybe they'd pull a rabbit out of their ass and everything would be unicorns and rainbows at Mythic/EA?

Oh and isn't this game 3 or 4 years old already?
Paul, fist in palm, told us how “WAR will never have dancing! There is no dancing, these people are in a WAR!” So brilliant. BRILLIANT. Copy WOW and abandon everything that made DAoC great, but leave out dancing the one place where artists really get to express ourselves.

Hah, you mad bro about not being able to animate dances?
meh, i'll enjoy playing swtor with friends, and quit playing when i finish the game.

i really couldn't care less if anyone else plays it... this is going to be a co-op rpg for me, not an mmo
Shit like this is awesome. I love hearing about this kind of behind the scenes stuff. Now let's get some Ex Infinity Ward people to blog.
i can't believe someone from here even thought of that joke to make
Yes, I Saw The Louse Blog | Eating Bees

P.S. Also in the comment section: “I am Rayn from Percival and I would like to know if you know why they banned me back in the day on DAOC.”

DUDE. FFS. I’ve got nothing in my contract saying I can’t talk about what happened to you, so I can tell you why: IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT I TOLD YOU BACK WHEN WE BANNED YOU. Really! Honestly trulio really-o! You got caught in a CS radar trap, and yet I was so willing to believe you were innocent that I demanded and saw the screenshots and logs with my own eyes! I told you then, I told you at the Toronto fan gathering, I told you AGAIN at the afterparty, and I’m telling you now! Build a bridge and get over it already!

But, hey, I’ll give you some new information – the marketing girl and I both thought you were hot. Holding that opinion was especially disconcerting for me because after all the back and forth over your banning, I’d totally pictured you as a basement dwelling trog. But hot where hot is due. So there you go.