Game of Thrones Season 8

The first 4 seasons were absolutely sublime, and are, hands down, the best television I've ever watched. The suspense and build-up was phenomenal. Every single creative talent that came into creating those seasons was operating on all cylinders.

You could really tell the discrepancy in quality after season 4, in my opinion. There just wasn't enough quality content to continue maintaining the show in a similar trajectory.

Of course I will still watch it and try to get as much enjoyment as possible, but I view the series through a different lens now.

Probably went from a 9-9.5/10 up to season 4 to around a 7ish now, maybe less depending on how critical you are with the inconsistencies.
The first 4 seasons were absolutely sublime, and are, hands down, the best television I've ever watched. The suspense and build-up was phenomenal. Every single creative talent that came into creating those seasons was operating on all cylinders.

You could really tell the discrepancy in quality after season 4, in my opinion. There just wasn't enough quality content to continue maintaining the show in a similar trajectory.

Of course I will still watch it and try to get as much enjoyment as possible, but I view the series through a different lens now.

Probably went from a 9-9.5/10 up to season 4 to around a 7ish now, maybe less depending on how critical you are with the inconsistencies.

I agree with you.
nothing could maintain the train like GOT did in the beginning, it's just not possible. i just try to enjoy it now before it's over and not get too into the weeds
Yeah I sound old fogeyish (i'm 31) but i loved the books and seasons 1-6 mostly but 7 was imo really really bad. stuff that i dont think grrm would ever write idk. and baelish's master plan, orchestrated across countless seasons and continents all ends horribly so arya can get an 'aha!' moment. so unearned and frustrating

get off my lawn etc

yes ill watch

Same. Didn't they basically run out of steam on season 7 because the books they were trying to base the show off of weren't even written by that point?

Same shit that basically happened with World of Warcraft, they had all this amazing backstory, lore, character progression, and established content that was just waiting to be fleshed out in the MMO. Then after they ran out of content (Post WoTL) is when the game start to take a turn for the worse. The longer the game's gone on for the worse it's gotten.
I like reading fantasy fiction so after seeing the first episode I stopped watching and then read all the books for a year and half. Then watched Seasons 1-6, and then later 7. Due to the volume, reading and watching it took some effort but I'm glad I got through it all. It's very well done.
The political intrigue is gone and they changed the rules(people teleporting everywhere), but part of why I always liked the show was the action and visuals, and now that the silly human stuff is now insignificant in the face of a giant ice monster and zombie horde and there's dragons and shit, I'm still excited to watch to see that
Horus Heresy would make a great series imo

only problem is everyone who's read the books knows how it ends

anyway, still enjoy the show and going to watch this close out
Rewatched it over xmas and new year. Getting real excite.

Hadnt really thought about GOT since S7 ended, then a friend of mine this xmas was like 'hey i started rewatching this shit and theres so much foreshadowing and stuff i missed its great'. And by god he was right it was a glorious rewatch.

I even watched a ton of alt shift x theory videos on youtube which were really interesting

im waiting on 4k version to rewatch it all... wtf is taking em so long, all they did was s1 4k and thats it :|
Ever since they started going off book the show started to suffer. They also didn't fix anything that was bad in 4/5 so even when they were on book the quality was down.

Looking for to the end, so at least I will get some conclusion in case fat fuck dies before finishing.
Game of Thrones is better when yo drink this while watching
