Game of Thrones Season 8

Sure you can nitpick, but if you've watched all 7 seasons there's no way you're not at least a little bit excited.
Sure you can nitpick, but if you've watched all 7 seasons there's no way you're not at least a little bit excited.

Yeah I sound old fogeyish (i'm 31) but i loved the books and seasons 1-6 mostly but 7 was imo really really bad. stuff that i dont think grrm would ever write idk. and baelish's master plan, orchestrated across countless seasons and continents all ends horribly so arya can get an 'aha!' moment. so unearned and frustrating

get off my lawn etc

yes ill watch
I like that GRRM will take something that appeared to be following an old trope and just fucking kill it without much fanfare.
I can agree that S7 was a bit meh at times, but still I can't wait. We started rewatching it all from S1 a week ago.
Who will end up on the Iron Throne?
Jon, Daenarys, Sansa or...?
Or will Kings Landing be levelled byt ice, fire or both and all of them end up dead?
I want to know.

I hope the Hound escapes.
I hated the abandonment of realism in regards to logistics in the last season. Where and how armies and characters traveled was huge for not only the world building but story lines and major plot points as well. I kind of feel like Sansa and Aria have developed plot armor and this disappoints me since the series is known for killing off whomever, whenever.
I'm still bummed that it's only 6 episodes, and they didn't even do the "2 hour episode" thing they hyped. Can't believe it's been almost 2 years though since season 7. Guess it's only a month or two before triple shows back up to post spoilers.
I'm in agreement with the most of what's been said: s7 was a bit of a disappointment, but I'm in it this far, and excited to see the finish.
Rewatched it over xmas and new year. Getting real excite.

Hadnt really thought about GOT since S7 ended, then a friend of mine this xmas was like 'hey i started rewatching this shit and theres so much foreshadowing and stuff i missed its great'. And by god he was right it was a glorious rewatch.

I even watched a ton of alt shift x theory videos on youtube which were really interesting