Fool's Prisoner of Azkaban review

I saw it yesterday afternoon (about the time when all the mom's could get their kids there)

As I sat there and watched the movie, I couldn't help but feel bad for all these kids around me. 99% of the people in the theater were there for a lighthearted, fun movie. They would all burst out in laughter at *ANY* point that might be considered somewhat humerous, but I think they were all somewhat frightened like the cute 3 year old girl who sat next to me. (not mine, I went alone)

It was a enjoyable movie, I'd recommend it to any person wanting to see a good show.
snapes hatred of lupin, sirius, and harry's father isn't really explained until book 5 anyway
My final conclusion on the movie is that if you have read the book prior to the movie, you will probably not like the movie, because of the fact that they completely butchered the book. If you have not read the book, it's easily the best out of all the movies.
xpdnc said:
snapes hatred of lupin, sirius, and harry's father isn't really explained until book 5 anyway

Not true, his hatred is explained in book 3 but much more expounded upon in book 5.

EDIT, Well, mostly his dislike for James Potter is explained in POA, which is why he's always giving Harry loads of shit.
Just because of this review I might see this movie now...probly a 50/50 chance over the next week. (better then the 0% chance I had before)
Dr. Love said:
My final conclusion on the movie is that if you have read the book prior to the movie, you will probably not like the movie, because of the fact that they completely butchered the book. If you have not read the book, it's easily the best out of all the movies.

I disagree completely.

If you can accept the fact that backstory is not essential to the overall plot of the books, and rather that it's just fluff that readers love to read, then you should have no problem with this film.

I actually think that if you have not read the book, the film will just be confusing. Characters for the most part were established in the prior two books and movies. If you watched Return of the Jedi without ever having seen the first two, you'd be confused as hell too.

People who dislike Azkaban are too in love with the backstory to be willing to part with the tiniest bit of it, and that's why they won't enjoy the movie. Admittingly a few more minutes of dialogue would have corrected this problem, but some people really have a stick . . . or should I say a wand, up their asses.

And if you disliked this movie, you may as well not watch any of the next 4 films because they're going to disappoint you as well.
Dr. Love said:
My final conclusion on the movie is that if you have read the book prior to the movie, you will probably not like the movie, because of the fact that they completely butchered the book. If you have not read the book, it's easily the best out of all the movies.

i've come to accept that book-movie translations have to make sacrifices, and in some cases they even completely butcher the book. I now don't judge the movie as one based on a book I read, but on its own merits.
They probably made this movie in the hopes that most of the people seeing it have read the book and therefore know the backstory and the little details. I think the movies are more for people to get a visual of all the best part of the books with a little dialogue thrown in ;)
Thx fool, hopefully going to see it soon as I have read all 5 books, its only natural to want to make the pictures in your head come to LIFE!
I agree the soundtrack seemed more fitting for a 'magical' movie but I can't agree with the statement that if you haven't read the book you'll enjoy the movie. It makes hardly any sense, nothing is explained and worse there aren't really even clues to help you figure it out if you haven't read the book. I spent most of the movie trying to uncover some sort of plot/character development/story but I guess these aren't important to the director.

Yes it was fast paced, but it still seemed long. There were some good points though, there were some beautiful shots that I think captured a very majestic sort of feel. I enjoyed most of the CGI. The season transitions were cute and fun and I thought were a great touch.

But in the end, I think someone might enjoy the movie just to have some fun visual effects to put to the story they know and love, but beyond that I can't see what this movie offers at all.
React0r said:
I'm a total HP purist (I love the books, definetly some of my favorite literature).

The third Harry Potter book was fantastic.

This movie was terrible. Fuck all of them. Fuck Cuaron.

Ok seriously, I've lost all hope that they can successfully pull those books off.

Fuck them.

And all you other purists telling and forcing yourselves to like it will come back to reality soon enough

This is always the "cool" thing to say about books that go to the movies. TO BAD YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT HARRY POTTER YOU FLAMING FAGGOT.
By the way, the film just broke the record for opening day sales.

40.8 million on Friday alone, beating Spiderman's (which still has the per-screen record) 39 million.
I'm not saying it was a bad movie by any means, but if you're really into the backstory of everyone then you will leave the movie feeling very dissapointed, because they left damn near most of it out.

As for the movie being judged on its own merits, if you don't care how they did the story differently than the book then it's easily the best of the bunch, as far as acting, dialouge, directing, emontional impact on the viewer etc..

I liked the movie, but have friends who hated it, because they left so much of the book out and chopped things up as much as they did.
Just saw it. I hadn't read the 3rd book recently, so I didn't remember all those little details. I enjoyed it.

I think that if you read the book and have it memorized, you'll be let down because there is no way they can fit everything in 1 movie. They'd have to do a TV series to get all the detail in.

I give it a thumbs up.

Then I saw Shrek2 and thought it was ok, but predicitable. Boy, they really ragged on Disney with the movie takeoffs.
I didn't read the novels, and I certainly don't intend to see ANOTHER stupid Harry Pothead movie.

I know you all care deeply.

You do. I see it on your faces.

Admit it.
oh my god, the acting was horrible...

but the movie was very entertaining none the less

the book is better :bigthumb: