[ffxv] the last final fantasy

It’s on steam, but I just used psxe and it automagically made it widescreen and improved the resolution and etc
I liked XII because it took place in Ivalice (shared world with FFT & Vagrant Story). I also played FFXI way back in the day and I could appreciate the pseudo-multiplayer execution of party skills.

But if you missed out on those connections then I can see it not being great - That said, the FFXIII series were complete piles of shit and by contrast, XII is still pretty good.
ffix just entered like cult classic status
while it was good when it came out, nobody was ranking it as high back then as people are now

that being said, 6 and 4 are probably the unanimous top 2
personally tactics is t2 for me and 7 probably falls around t3 purely due to nostalgia. i played the fuck out of ff7
I really get into the story when using my Coleman camping equipment.

An entire mission was dedicated to finding shrimp to build the most nutritious Cup O Noodle possible

Fuck advertising
Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.
only FF i cant wait for is
Final Fantasy: The Last Final Fantasy
with this promise signed in the blood of square execs
12 started out like gangbusters. But time constraints forced writers to "rush" the game into sales. Thus the second half of the game disappointed story wise.

you mean its was a great movie but who pays $60 for a movie?
after seeing how many more cut scenes they put in 12 after 10 i just fucking stopped playing the series all together.

12 was fucking terrible.
I just read about FF13 and was like "wow how did I miss this game?"

then I just looked, I own it, I played through it on xbox...

just based on the fact that I can't even remember playing it I am ranking it as the single worst final fantasy

8 at least has that card game and that was fun. the city reveal of the invisible city was pretty epic too. i bet if i watched it today I wouldnt think so or played the card game today i wouldnt think so but in 1999 it was dope
rofl I'm pretty sure I played 13-2, but I'm not sure. I'm gonna check my games brb.

yup, I own 13-2 and I'm positive I played it, but can't remember anything about it. :p: luckily was not dumb enough to buy 13-3, because I'm pretty sure 13-2 ended on some lame cliffhanger
I just read about FF13 and was like "wow how did I miss this game?"

then I just looked, I own it, I played through it on xbox...

just based on the fact that I can't even remember playing it I am ranking it as the single worst final fantasy

8 at least has that card game and that was fun. the city reveal of the invisible city was pretty epic too. i bet if i watched it today I wouldnt think so or played the card game today i wouldnt think so but in 1999 it was dope

All I remember doing in that game was running down straight hallways to get cringe inducing cutscenes filled with the worst/most annoying characters in any medium, which you get rewarded for doing by fighting a giant wall with shoulder pads. Once you beat shoulder pad wall boss in the most mind numbing, absentee rpg combat system ever conceived, you get to run down another straight hallway so you can watch a cutscene at the end

Rinse/repeat for about 60 hours
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they made 2 addons to 13? yikes.

the 9 re-release is $15 on the PS4 store. i bought it but wont get to play for a few weeks. sad.

i finished 15 on friday since i took the day off. i have no idea what the game was about or who the bad guy was and why he helped me out the entire game. combat system was good though, shouldve had more 1 on 1 fighting. I still dont understand why I would get summons or how they were picked. odd game.
I got super sick from staying out and partying for like a week straight in cold AF Austin

Currently playing 9, holy fuk it's so much better than 15.

Zidaine is also a much better hero than Cloud was.

Not sure if I'm going to load up remastered 10 when this is all over, depends how long in sick for