
i legit give up :lol:

i fixed all the links that didn't work (auto spell out what i was referencing with words not hyperlinks) and then all the other ones went to shit

yeah something is loony tunes atm and as bad as USPS is today on delivery times arrivals

enjoy a government saving you that can't even save itself (from its own bullshit) and is about to see supply chains/lines absolute collapse over the next few weeks

going to be pure :popcorn:

just hope there are enough live feeds to watch it all go down
Maybe Bernie is gunning for some free Universal Funeral Care... I mean if gets elected and dies, it's a free 21 gun salute and a taxpayer provided plot at Arlington right?
Arlington for the Vietnam era conscientious observer (aka draft dodger)

would be about the ultimate insult

so makes sense

must unlikely truth is our current reality moving forward
Bernie most likkely to drop dead of corona not even trolling maybe biden next then trump

Either way corona hurts boomers that would vote for him
over 60+ bad news if you get it

over 70 you are beyond fucked

average age in senate is like 66 yo

how many of these people on stage over 75?

no way they don't know this and are this dumb

my guess is they already have a vaccine or some kind of fail safe we don't know about
oh a jew question

that's really the only ones that matter


he lived in Israel


why aren't you jewish enough jew

Bernie is not enough of a JEWISH SUPREMACIST

lets see what BLOOMBERG GOT
Obamacare was a R E P U B L I C A N law. It mandated even more profits to private healthcare mafia I mean insurance companies. It's socialism for the rich. M4A drops the middlemen and lets you pick your doctor and you won't have to worry about copays, deductibles, out of pockets, are you covered for this or that, is your caregiver in network etc.

reeeee someone with an education disagrees with my high school dropout opinions reeee

Hmmm that isn't what i was going for, but i see how your bias mind got you there.

What i'm saying is, how can a professional, with clear bias, get to the point that Bernie's plan would pay for itself when EVERYONE is saying it would be a disaster? Does an Epidemiology degree make her the most qualified?

Which College Major Loves Socialism The Most?

So, if you just look at this study, it appears that anyone with a degree somewhat involved in business/money markets KNOWS socialism is a bad idea.

But... according to you and the lefties... we are to believe that Bernie's plan would work?

Never forget... if you want to keep your doctor, you can.

You see... we have been here before. It was one of the biggest failures in American public policy history. It resulted in the biggest shift of political power in the history of politics.

Also, did this study take into account the fact that Bernie wants open borders AND health care coverage for everyone that wants to cross?

Because i didn't see that in the study.

I can't tell... Is bernie raising his hand?

BTW, this is the moment i quit watching dem debates and ruled everyone on that stage someone i wouldn't vote for.

So, Absent, could you tell me what the numbers would look like with 'free' health care for non citizens AND open borders?

Just so you know, 60% of the nation is laughing at your leader. Republicans are sitting back and secretly wishing Bernie gets the nod as the dem primary winner.

Republicans would win back the house, gain in the Senate, and America would be great for another generation.

Bloomberg internal poll claims Bernie would sink downballot Dems

Bernie Sanders’ nomination could drag down vulnerable House Democrats trying to hold onto their competitive districts, according to a new poll conducted for Mike Bloomberg's campaign that is circulating among members — providing fresh data for moderates warning about a wipeout if Sanders emerges to lead their ticket against President Donald Trump.

The poll of voters in more than 40 battleground House districts currently held by Democrats — conducted by Global Strategy Group for the Bloomberg campaign and obtained by POLITICO from two sources — found that Sanders is less popular than Trump and loses significant support when hit for holding socialist positions. Sanders is a self-described Democratic socialist, a distinction that his opponents are starting to draw more frequently in the days following the Vermont senator’s dominance in Nevada. His agenda of "Medicare for All," the "Green New Deal" and guaranteed tuition and debt-free public colleges has rankled more establishment members of the party.

The poll found Sanders essentially running even with Trump in a head-to-head match-up across the districts, trailing the incumbent by just one point. But Trump opens up 6-point advantage after a list of negative messages about Sanders' ideology and alleged ineffectiveness in the Senate is presented to poll respondents.

But Sanders' potential impact extends beyond the presidential race. A plurality of voters, 39 percent, say they will be less likely to vote for a Democrat for Congress if Sanders is the Democratic nominee and his ideas are folded into the party platform. That's nearly double the 21 percent who say they would be more likely to vote for a Democrat for Congress, while 34 percent say it wouldn’t impact their vote.

A separate memo drafted for Bloomberg’s campaign by the polling firm and also obtained by POLITICO claims “Sanders jeopardizes [the] Democratic majority in House” but doesn’t outright argue Democrats would lose the House if Sanders were the nominee.

The poll found that 47 percent of voters in competitive, Democratic-held districts felt that “the increased role of socialist ideas in the Democratic Party” was a “bad thing,” and 19 percent “ believe it is a good thing,” and 24 percent said “it makes no difference to them.” The poll was conducted Feb. 22-23 and surveyed 600 likely general election voters across 42 districts in the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's "Frontline" program for vulnerable party incumbents. The survey's margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Sanders has come under more sustained scrutiny since becoming the frontrunner in the race. On Monday, Joe Biden’s campaign began airing a new digital ad accusing him of working to undermine former President Barack Obama’s reelection by threatening a primary. Pete Buttigieg is on the air in South Carolina criticizing Sanders’ plan to eliminate private health insurance. Sanders’ past gun votes were the subject of an online video by Bloomberg, who argues the Vermont senator is too divisive to beat Trump. Senior Bloomberg officials renewed warnings on a call with reporters on Monday, arguing that a candidate with even a small plurality of votes in upcoming contests can come away with an outsize and disproportionate delegate lead.

The memo and four-page section of the survey was conducted over this past weekend — as Sanders was winning convincingly in Saturday's Nevada caucuses — and comes as the progressive frontrunner prepares for more big delegate hauls on Super Tuesday.

Why else do you think Trump is defending Gernie Bernie from the fake MSM?

Trump can't wait to take on Bernie. His messaging would be unstoppable.

Good luck.