
Reality: Trump is scared shitless of Boinie:

M4A explained to shit for brains repugnicunts by Chunk Yogurt & Wendell Potter, includes truth on Dump's gross lie about taking away "your insurance":

absent you do understand he has 45 of the 1,991 needed to avoid the second round in which he would get SuperDelegate fucked
I don't see anyone dropping out and time is ticking.

Here absent

Democratic delegate rules, 2020 - Ballotpedia

In 2020, there will be 4,750 delegates: 3,979 pledged delegates and 771 automatic delegates—more commonly known as superdelegates.[1]

To win the Democratic nomination, a presidential candidate must receive support from a majority of the pledged delegates on the first ballot: 1,991 pledged delegates.[2][3] If the convention is contested and goes to a second ballot or more, automatic delegates will be able to vote and a candidate must receive majority support from all delegates—2,375.5 votes.[4][5] Roughly two-thirds of the delegates will have been allocated by the end of March 2020.

Who are the superdelegates?

Superdelegates are either members of the Democratic National Committee, elected officials serving as a governor or member of Congress, and distinguished party leaders.

Unlike at-large or district-level delegates, they are neither elected by Democratic presidential primary voters nor required to pledge their support to a specific presidential candidate. Beginning with the 2020 presidential election, they are prohibited from voting on the first ballot at a contested national convention.

In 2020, there will be an estimated 764 superdelegates.[6] The Democratic National Committee is expected to confirm the names of the automatic delegates by state no later than March 6, 2020.[7]

If the dog pile continues on Sanders.. and do you see it abating? He is done.
It's like you're pretending as though you have some arcane knowledge that has never been unearthed before. Bizarre.
Boinie is going to roll most of the remaining states. He will have the majority of delegates by the convention. If they fuck him, the Democratic party disbands. This is known.
That isn't fair

Bernie Sanders 'rattled' by debate crowd's pushback on his praise for Cuba, Frank Luntz says

That discord and Sanders' obvious irritation was the "secret recipe" for the other Democratic presidential candidates, Luntz said during an appearance on "The Ingraham Angle."

"Cuba made progress on education ... ," Sanders began in one instance -- before some in the audience shouted and booed.

Really? Really?" a wide-eyed Sanders responded. "When dictatorships, whether it is the Chinese or the Cubans, do something good, you acknowledge that."

Sanders was "clearly" angry at that point, Luntz observed.

"In fact, this is the secret recipe for the other candidates," he said. "They put people, supporters, in the audience to challenge Sanders when he makes statements like that, and it rattles him. You've never seen that before."

Michael Bloomberg had very enthusiastic audience support at the debate for some reason.

It’s not entirely surprising that Bloomberg, despite not even being on the ballot in South Carolina, would have had a vaguely friendly audience this evening. A local Charleston news station reported earlier this month that the only “guaranteed” way to get a ticket was to purchase a sponsorship ranging from $1,750 to $3,200. The rest of the tickets, though, were “first handed out to organizers. Then, campaigns may get some tickets to disperse among supporters.”

How those remaining tickets ended up getting doled out is anyone’s guess, but the one thing we do know for certain is that a vocal contingent of the audience really liked Bloomberg.

At one point, and for what seems to have been the first time ever, an audience actively, aggressively booed because someone spoke ill of billionaires.
