Explosives sent to Soros, Clintons, and Obama


holy fucking shit, was this made by ants?
I kind of feel bad for the couriers. Nobody ever gives a fuck about them, carrying around amateur made explosives without knowing it.
Im a former marine, i know what feels right, and what doesnt, done it a hundred times. but truth is, we have too many that dont.
For real. Look at that wet wipes container behind it for weight comparison.

would the explosive filler even be able to properly shrapnel the containment vessel or more than likely just blow the probably hot glued ends out? grenades have filler weights of tnt equiv to 15-150g depending on design/purpose and im not sure 15g is even in there, assuming it isn't some more than tnt substitute not that there are many that are even close to a 2x ratio.

or given that it wasnt detected by any mail screening devices particularly those that are more likely installed in the region distro hubs for DC/NYC, I'm guessing there wasnt any actual explosive filler in it unless perhaps a dry run for whatever they used to shield the contents from triggering these sensors within the device/package.

fool is right that this literally just a message from the looks of it lol.

looking at it im also unsure why two cords go to opposites sides of this. i can pretty safely say from certain schooling i went through most IEDs of this size do not have dual firing mechanisms although the red/black cord looks like some poor attempt to simulate a positive/neutral terminal. running it through both sides makes no sense not that IEDs necessarily need to make any...maybe they ignition system was a standard battery placed in the center of explosive filler with these terminals attached and the electronic device on the sides was supposed to supercharge these batteries to make them go boom as a primary ignition system? idk if you have the ability to find some stable explosive filler you can probably find a blasting cap or two and not have two holes in your bomb that become weakpoints for channeling the explosive energy out through.
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There is no link. It's what he feels most comfortable believing, so he believes it.

The FBI called it "crude, but functional" and "live"
Don't answer for me you partisan shill cunt.

No link, speculation based in the fact not a single one went off.

That's either extraordinary luck, or by design.

Either way this entire thing is incredibly disconcerting.
Don't answer for me you partisan shill cunt.

No link, speculation based in the fact not a single one went off.

That's either extraordinary luck, or by design.

Either way this entire thing is incredibly disconcerting.

triple: There is no link.

vlasic: don't answer for me

also vlasic: No link