Espresso/coffee machines at home

Straight up windows. My cube/media pc is beside the TV anyway.
But yeah tbh I just compared both and plex hdr still looking better... Smh
I use Nvidia shield and Kodi now

Kicks the shit out of 4k HDR files that my "8 core" Samsung TV couldn't even open
Also ;

Norris prefers to eat whole, organic foods to keep his body properly fueled for his martial arts workouts. He also uses healthier substitutions daily- instead of sugar, he uses stevia, which is a natural plant derived sweetener.

Sugar is also a natural plant derived sweetener

but I get ur point Joop
There is nothing fucking wrong with fucking regular old CANE sugar for fucks sake. Just don't fucking eat motherfucking TONS of the shit jesus fuck fuck fuck idiots faAAAAACKIKKKKKKK reeeeeeee
i bought a nespresso years ago but stopped using it - now i just make regular coffee using chemex filters/carafe

usually get local roasted beans from Ceremony, sometime Zekes.
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There is nothing fucking wrong with fucking regular old CANE sugar for fucks sake. Just don't fucking eat motherfucking TONS of the shit jesus fuck fuck fuck idiots faAAAAACKIKKKKKKK reeeeeeee

But but fat is our enemy :(

I must eat low fat soy yoghurt, loaded with 10 spoons of sugar (syrup) to make it edible
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there is also nothing wrong w/ beet sugar (same fking thing but w/o over 9000 curlicues in its handlebar mustache) but don't let the cane cultists in puerto rico kno


milk pro - lol

I just bought the same thing for $1.30 from ebay. I use it for stirring those little hobby paint pots.
Just started looking for something for the wife. All she's ever used are Keurigs or standard drip coffee makers. From my research it seems like (at the moment) one of the better superautomatics is the Gaggia Babila or if you want a semiautomatic/superautomatic hybrid the Breville Oracle (normal or Touch).

Seems like the Oracle is the better of the two performance wise (temperatures and what not) but takes a bit more interaction (having a portafilter you have to move from the grind step to the brew step and then having to measure out your own milk vs having the machine pull the perfect amount for you).

Why do these things cost more than any appliance in my kitchen? :weird:

