Espresso/coffee machines at home

Try keeping your clean metal steaming pitcher(s) in the freezer if you don't already.
I used to do that but found it unnecessary after some time. It really doesn't make a difference especially on a machine like this that puts out tons of steam
How much was that setup amram

Looks sick dude

Maybe ill copy it
$2500usd for the machine it's an ECM Technika IV Profi

I got it open-box for 2600cdn which is 2k usd so I saved a bunch of money. It wasn't even opened, so i dunno why it was discounted but I jumped on the deal.
The bigger grinders run cooler and work faster. The Sette only has 40mm burrs compared to something like a Ceado e37j (really good value) with 64mm or e37s with 83mm burrs.. there's no comparison.
From what I can tell that really only matters in a commercial setting. Most people are only making 1-2 drinks at a time, so speed is only a few seconds difference and there's not enough work being done to make heat an issue.

For home use it seems to come down to grind retention, adjustability (how granular are the grind settings and how well it retains those settings), and accuracy (how much does each dose weight drift).

For the "cheaper" grinders (around $500) the Sette 270WI (specifically the WI since it supposedly resolves any issues in the previous versions) seems to be the winner.

When you go to the upper price tiers it does indeed seem like the Ceado E37S is a standout (the J version is a bit cheaper but has some compromises on the S design resulting in much worse grind retention). The ECM Titan 64 is interesting with the titanium burrs but that's basically its only outstanding feature.

I've currently got this as a quote for an ECM + Sette setup, considering pulling the trigger this week although I'm already way over the budget I originally set when I started looking at espresso machines lol.

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From what I can tell that really only matters in a commercial setting. Most people are only making 1-2 drinks at a time, so speed is only a few seconds difference and there's not enough work being done to make heat an issue.

For home use it seems to come down to grind retention, adjustability (how granular are the grind settings and how well it retains those settings), and accuracy (how much does each dose weight drift).

For the "cheaper" grinders (around $500) the Sette 270WI (specifically the WI since it supposedly resolves any issues in the previous versions) seems to be the winner.

When you go to the upper price tiers it does indeed seem like the Ceado E37S is a standout (the J version is a bit cheaper but has some compromises on the S design resulting in much worse grind retention). The ECM Titan 64 is interesting with the titanium burrs but that's basically its only outstanding feature.

I've currently got this as a quote for an ECM + Sette setup, considering pulling the trigger this week although I'm already way over the budget I originally set when I started looking at espresso machines lol.

That would be a sweet setup. Save your money on the knock box, bottomless portafilter and tamping stand. Useless accessories in my opinion.

As for grinders, I think consistency in grind size is the number one requisite. Unfortunately unless someone tests them out with progressively smaller filters and records the results, you have to rely on individual reviews. Wholelattelove youtube channel is excellent I think they did a video comparison of some grinders in this manner, but it was only a couple of products.
That would be a sweet setup. Save your money on the knock box, bottomless portafilter and tamping stand. Useless accessories in my opinion.

As for grinders, I think consistency in grind size is the number one requisite. Unfortunately unless someone tests them out with progressively smaller filters and records the results, you have to rely on individual reviews. Wholelattelove youtube channel is excellent I think they did a video comparison of some grinders in this manner, but it was only a couple of products.

U need to get the Kruve dude

or just buy some flymesh for 50c

autistic coffee explosion
That would be a sweet setup. Save your money on the knock box, bottomless portafilter and tamping stand. Useless accessories in my opinion.

As for grinders, I think consistency in grind size is the number one requisite. Unfortunately unless someone tests them out with progressively smaller filters and records the results, you have to rely on individual reviews. Wholelattelove youtube channel is excellent I think they did a video comparison of some grinders in this manner, but it was only a couple of products.

Look over on the right (those are the prices after discount). They're throwing in the bottomless for free so I'll take it lol.

Have a look at this sweet deal for a Synchronika.. $3450CAD is $2600 USD for a brand new machine. They ship to the US free.

Nice, yeah it looks like they have the normal one $100 cheaper and that repaired one ~$400 cheaper. Mine is $200 more expensive than normal because of the special side panels (the wife didn't approve of all the chrome so it worked out that the Synchronika has those black side panels lol, I saw Clive Coffee offers wooden panels as well but I think the black fits in the kitchen better).
Oh cool, yeah the black one is sick. So are the wood ones. I might get the wood knob set for mine I think that looks nice
170usd lol they're not fucking around wow..

Yeah - but...

what if you knew the exact grind that made up that perfect coffee
what if you could record and replicate that at any time in the future
what if you wanted to store a best grind size/ratio for all of your different roasts
what if you managed to get laid after making that perfect morning cup and you need to know how to duplicate that amazing feat ...

you know you need one

you need this now

take your crown

coffee king
Look i know those mocha pots arent true esspressos but holy shit i just gotna bialetti and for 30$ (55$ stainless steel) these make damn good "espressos" with zero work

If you were to just buy an aeropress w/ bonavita kettle and a bialetti mocha pot you could make 8/10 coffee & esspresso for zero cost
My wife likes her moka pot but she's probably not even using it to full potential. Doesn't it require a super fine grind? She was always using my course French press grind setting in it.