Epstein dead

she's a lovely lady I love hanging out at her house

she's great with kids

really rooting for her
Ghislaine Maxwell, you've just been pardoned by the president for your grievous crimes against children, what are ya gonna do next??

Sounds to me like the socialist retard MSM and politicians are upset at Trump for not going along with the credibly accused woke line of reasoning.

I guess the president of the united states should have said "She should burn in eternal fire for all I care."

Yeah... can you image the MSM response if the president said something like that? :lol: "ZOMG!! Trump just declared someone guilty before their trial and is pushing his religion onto all of us. How much more evidence do you need that Trump is an authoritarian fascist!?"

I like how some of the idiots instantly went to the pardon route.

It does not matter what he does or say, the regressive neo-Marxists of the world will REEEEEE!
Because there's no middle ground between wishing her well and publicly damning her to eternal hellfire :ftard:

Peering inside the minds of deranged trumpanzees is the only thing that keeps me on TW :jester:
Because there's no middle ground between wishing her well and publicly damning her to eternal hellfire :ftard:


I really like the part about "middle ground" coming from a neo-Marxist. There is no middle ground with you people. It is your way or... "ZOMG!! RACIST BIGOT HOMOPHOBE TRANSPHOBE ISLAMAPHOBE XENOPHOBE huge breath WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST!"
lol keep it coming this is really feeding my mania
Let me help you.

In the RIOT thread, just yesterday, you went after us on the right for not defending the very group of people who want us to die, (they HATE, with a passion mind you, Libertarians) because the federal govt was attacking your rioting neo-Marxist buddies.

I simply explained that I will not defend a totalitarian group of statists that wants me dead. (This is the same group that is forcing the state to force white people into anti-white brainwashed critical race theory classes.)

This, you could not accept and then proceeded to call all of us "traitorous, gullible hypocrites."

Where is the "middle ground" you speak of? It's all or nothing with you totalitarians. Hint... it's in the name of your ideology. You know, TOTALitarians.
Absolutely hilarious that scumbags that call us fascists, nazis, racists, etc now ask why we're not out there defending their right to act like wankers.
Girls like this tend to be picked out and groomed into prostituion. Predators can pick them out and exploit them easily. So they 'willingly' went along with this nonsense because Ghislaine knew how to manipulate them into it. Most girls are not a fan of fucking gross old men. Let alone be involved in a situation where Prince Andrew sucks your toes with a puppet near by as Ghislaine diddled her. And the end game by Epstein was to get her pregnant by Prince Andrew and have her sign over the baby to Epstein when it is born.

However this incident with Epstein is far more digestible than say young boys being kidnapped and forced to fuck or they could be killed. Or kids being bred with no social security off the books and being sold to pedophiles to be molested at an early age so they think it is normal, then possibly disposed of when the pedo loses interest in them. So I do think Epstein, Maxwell and soon Andrews are being thrown under the bus to keep our attention away from the real sickos. Also one of Maxwells friends claims they had tons of footage of powerful people fucking teens. That has one use as far as I am concerned and that is blackmail.

Believe it or not it can always be worse and the worse will trash the world befode they answer for their crimes.

Because there's no middle ground between wishing her well and publicly damning her to eternal hellfire :ftard:

Peering inside the minds of deranged trumpanzees is the only thing that keeps me on TW :jester:

You still believe in Russian collusion.