Epstein dead

You still believe in Russian collusion.
You believe there is nothing at all suspicious about the Trump/Putin relationship. History will expose you for the shill you are, but by that time you will have already rearranged your political beliefs to justify in your own head that you were right the entire time.
ascotia. get a fucking life. stop obsessing over your insane trump conspiracy theories. it's like all you can think about is kiddy diddler elites everywhere you look. it's like someone could post a fake email with a bunch of made up words and you would hound trump for 4 years over it. this thread is for REAL JOURNALISM ONLY about the real clinton-backed weinstein/epstein child rape circle.
Can I get a time frame of when history will expose me? Like if it's more than a decade I'm not sure I'll care much. I'd like to schedule my future shaming.
Why do they think that because she's vaguely pretty in a Middle America basic kind of way, that she can stand up in front of the entire world, blatantly lie her ass off, and get away with it?

Because she can't. People are just not that dumb. And by people, I mean non-Trumptards.
akshurally he is a graduate of nuclear sewage studies at the Dubai University of Diversity

and he got his doctorate in rocket sexuality dynamics at nyu