Do you see civil war in your lifetime?


Veteran XX
I dont know...possibly. I don't know how the lefts current crop of beliefs can ever mesh with the right or even be good for the country. To me this ultimately is going to end up with at least a small outburst of serious violence/civil war.

We should just make a game/sim.

Hype it for a year. Get everyone signed up - when you die - you die and are out.
Make it 24/7. No logging out. No saves. See what happens in pixels first.
Choose a faction - ready go
Civil war won't be like it was in the past it will be factions rising up , not to mention information war. I believe we are already inside of a civil war and it didn't just start.
Yeah - the numbers don't play out.
The media likes to act like we are divided 50/50. It's not true.

There are at least 60 percent of folks that just want to be left alone.
The other 40 might like to argue but only about 5% of them would want to physically fight.

That's only about 2% of the country

They are spread out all over. What are they going to do? Pick one of the larger state parks and have a cage match?
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Can't answer for the USA, but I believe it might happen in some European countries including my own. I guess the reasons will be more cultural and religious than political. We already have parallel societies living in enclaves around the big cities.
i would like to see it happen in canada. west vs east. divide this country right down the middle. then we (the west aka Alberta like in Risk) take alaska
if u just mouth breath all of the hyperbole being sprayed around ur gonna think the world is ending

just stop being a fat ass and put ur phone down
Can't answer for the USA, but I believe it might happen in some European countries including my own. I guess the reasons will be more cultural and religious than political. We already have parallel societies living in enclaves around the big cities.

We can send out our all female SQUAD - they are like Team Anti-America - "'Murica - fuck dat"

They will fix that shit up pronto
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i would like to see it happen in canada. west vs east. divide this country right down the middle. then we (the west aka Alberta like in Risk) take alaska

Some of those Alaska folks are a wee bit cantankerous and prone to opening fire. We bought that shit fair and square for 7.2 million
Look, we have two massive land masses in America and Europe. I honestly don't care which land mass we get, but can we all agree to have the conservatives/libertarians live on one land mass and liberals/progressives live on the other. The leftist can have silicon valley and all the green economy, the right will keep the oil industry and military industrial complex. What happeneds after that is up to Darwin.
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