Chick wants to take it slow = Rejection?

1-2 month wait til sex...+1 more month till you bring the freak out of her and start banging her in the ass and having the best sex you have ever had, trying out all those freaky things you have wanted.

Or atleast thats how it turned out for me :shrug:
AkumA said:
We havent kissed yet, just on the lips, more and more.. and she tells me she likes me, no one understands her like i do
she must be an extremely deep and intelligent girl.
Snaps said:
1-2 month wait til sex...+1 more month till you bring the freak out of her and start banging her in the ass and having the best sex you have ever had, trying out all those freaky things you have wanted.

Or atleast thats how it turned out for me :shrug:

I'm pretty sure akuma will NEVER last that long.
Why don't you show her some respect instead of constantly trying to get in her pants. If you say she's the "hottest chick I ever dated," then perhaps every guy she dates has been trying to get in her pants for the longest time - meaning she is tired of that bullshit. Maybe she really likes you, and now totally respects you for respecting her wishes. Just because you don't fuck on the first date, it doesn't mean the chick doesn't like you.
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AkumA said:
she’s the hottest chick i ever dated, and maybe this means she needs to see if she can get over the fact I am not nearly the caliber of hotness she’s use to dating..

I am in the same posistion as her. Her last relationship or two might have went fast and she ended up getting hurt. She is taking it slow and wants to do it right so its possible this means the exact opposite of what you are thinking.

Its possible she actually likes you enough that she doesn't wanna screw things up.

Of course I could be wrong.

EDIT: :lol: @ juggs
AdreNaLiNe said:
Why don't you show her some respect instead of constantly trying to get in her pants. If you say she's the "hottest chick I ever dated," then perhaps every guy she dates has been trying to get in her pants for the longest time - meaning she is tired of that bullshit. Maybe she really likes you, and now totally respects you for respecting her wishes. Just because you don't fuck on the first date, it doesn't mean the chick doesn't like you.

as a female, I agree.