Change is in the air.

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Tribalwar Overlord
Veteran XX
Rayn has officially handed the reigns of TW over to me. It has been 20 fuckin years of time spent on this stink hole with some very notable moments in time.
From the heyday of Tribes to the infamous goatse of CNN, this place has withstood time and it is not going away anytime in the near future. (sorry vanster)

I have no illusions of grandeur for this place but might as well bring it up current. There are minor things we can do for minor revenue just to pay for hosting costs like the Amazon ads but that is really negligible since 99.9% of people use ad blockers anyway.

In speaking with a couple people there are some really good ideas as far as what to add such as a turned based web game like tribalwars if you remember that. I would also like to coerce Fool into a monthly PS contest with actual swag prize or whatever. If you have any positive ideas let me know.

Nothing is changing in the way of moderation except that current rules will be enforced. No nexting, no graphic images, don't be a fucktard. Regs will open back up when we figure out a good method for keeping out spammers. Hopefully with the new version of vbulletin there are some features to do so. We are just a "few" behind.

Long live TW.
I seriously think TW could become the next Truth social if we play our cards right.

I heard Reggs has a pretty good Discord network for recruitment.
I say dump everything but general forums and HOF, don't bother transferring older stuff, purge all banned accounts and those with less than 100 posts, streamline the user groups (grant all veterans "Legacy" status and axe the vet years).
keep tribes script and mod as well OR ELSE but I agree with Fool otherwise mostly on some points at times
require new reggs write 200 word essay to be reviewed in GD about what makes TW great and why Tribes is best game ever

just have like one thread they can post in

any posts getting more than 10 rep gain secret handshake for other threads
once u get ur advertising budget up n running we can recruit at and /pol so we can get some new blood around here

I think we can get a bunch of new reggs type posters if we recruit on stormfront
as long as we recruit k-pop stans as well for a balanced approach

the conversations will be the same just more of them
Open reggs, but first five posts need to be approved by a mod before they go live and anyone can see them. Restrict these posts to general.

Agree with lemony fresh. Legacy content needs to stay.
I vaguely remember that new members were unable to post for 30-days or something like that.
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