Canadian Government is going to Fuck its people

I don't see Trudeau as being Ontario centric, at least not so far.

Alberta big oil has spent countless millions to keep Conservatives in power and in pocket. It's going to take a lot more money to do so this time around and i'm just not sure it will be enough. Alberta will no doubt elect conservative but I don't think well funded attack and scare ads are going to do the job this time. It didn't work provincially at all in Ontario last election.
I voted ndp even though none of their ideas are actually attainable and they would ruin our economy but jack Layton was a cool fuckin dude

Trudeau isn't Harper and he's cool with weed so I'll prolly vote for him

Not like it matters when I live in calgary

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I don't see Trudeau as being Ontario centric, at least not so far.

Alberta big oil has spent countless millions to keep Conservatives in power and in pocket. It's going to take a lot more money to do so this time around and i'm just not sure it will be enough. Alberta will no doubt elect conservative but I don't think well funded attack and scare ads are going to do the job this time. It didn't work provincially at all in Ontario last election.

Didn't work in Ontario because Hudak is a fucking moron.

You don't get elected here when you tell people 100,000 of them will be fired from their cushy government jobs.
the fact that harper didn't nationalize the oil profits should be something everyone can unite on

he basically gave our natural resources to the chinese on the cheap

fuck him
Didn't work in Ontario because Hudak is a fucking moron.

You don't get elected here when you tell people 100,000 of them will be fired from their cushy government jobs.

Agreed that Hudak was a moron but it's not entirely his fault. The Ontario PC party legit believed that once again attack ads against Wynne would do the job like they have in the past. This time it seems the voters were not buying into the negativity.

Ontario is clearly tired of stuffy typical politicians and I think the rest of Canada will follow suit. I mean jesus we were so desperate not to elect another hair parted to the right suit and tie wearing grinning sycophant that we elected a gay woman who was a key figure in a billion dollar scandal!
FYI u know that u could never ever nationalize our energy sector because rich ppl would never allow it

I agree that it would prolly be better cuz statoil is the best oil company I've had the pleasure of doing business with by such a crazy margin it would blow ur mind

But encana/husky/etc would make people here secede for real if it happened

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the fact that china is attempting to go green at this point should speak volumes

Technicians adjust the parameters on the "multi-purpose" anti-smog car. In Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, the first station called the "fog gun" multi-purpose vehicle, is being used for fog suppression. The versatile vehicle can spray mist into the air, blasting water mist at a distance of 100 meters, 60 meters high, to achieve rapid fog suppression purposes. Xinhua News Agency



the fact that harper didn't nationalize the oil profits should be something everyone can unite on

he basically gave our natural resources to the chinese on the cheap

fuck him

Chinese aren't after our resources, they've signed deals with Russia to supply their energy demands. They're after canadian drilling and extraction technology. They want our connections and tech because it is the best in the world.

Chinese are playing chess here while everyone else involved is playing checkers.

As for domestic issues, Harper is a fucking idiot but he's the best one we have to pick from. Trudeau is too busy living up to daddies legacy and pleasing the ontario and quebec populace with promises of blowjobs and rainbows to give a shit about the rest of the country. The NDP I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole after seeing their legacies in Saskatchewan, BC, and Newfoundland. Bloc Québécois has lost even the trust of the french voter and the greens are blithering idiots when it comes to establishing any policy. ALL of these parties are at each others throats instead of fighting for the wellbeing of canadian citizens. All of them sporting a "fuck you, got mine" mentality.

This country is so fucked it's not even funny.
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This country is so fucked it's not even funny.
What kind of timeline are you talking? American conservatives have been repeating that sentiment about the USA since 2008. I was in Holland when Queen Beatrix's mother abdicated, and Netherlanders said the same thing.

North Korea and Iran might be in trouble. The USA-built Iraq and Afghanistan might be in trouble. Other first world countries are not.
You are a communist...of course You are fucked out of your mind.
The USA is not first world. is second world. on its way to wealth splatter.
The bubbles gonna burst the iranian ships are in the bay, the emps are on the launch.

When the Dollar deflates whats gonna happen to your holdings?

Fuck the noise fuck the BULLSHIT.
Whats going to happen to your ability to get to work and eat.?

oh noooo it would never come to that. Never. ever. It came to that in Russia when simple harvest seasons were fucked because of a simple 2 million german attack that killed what 14 million.

hey babe got news for you we right now are ITALY or POLAND. We are not Germany.

night brohan
None of that made any sense to me @ Zool.

Btw Vanster. The left was saying how Bush Junior was the end of the country as well so don't leave that out. It happens every time the house changes hands. I'm so tired of it.

Remember Bush was supposed to declare himself emperor. FEMA was getting ready. Marshall law was going to be enacted any day. Bush giving himself a third term. Throwing the constitution away.

So juvenile.