Canadian Government is going to Fuck its people

Here comes ZooL to try and put this thread back on track since its seems the Canadians are arguing over something completely irrelevant to the topic he created.
I first encountered the west coast jealously when I was 9. We kicked the shit out of some Alberta provincial team and they were talking shit the whole time. I had to ask my dad why and he explained that if a person wasn't able to find a job in Ontario, they would move to these shitty places and held resentment.

Glad to see the jealously still exists today. Tomorrow, I'll talk to 3 banks based out of T.o.r.o.n.t.o.
wait what are ppl in ab/bc supposed to be jealous of

cuz its not scenery or employment opportunities

u guys got us beat in culture though gg we are a diverse country

PS most ppl I know don't really hate easterners, just rabid francophones and those "Toronto is the center of the universe" ppl
Canada has the highest scientist to population ratio in the world and this is almost entirely due to immigration.
i have worked with a literal nuclear physicist from south korea who went to nuke school in france/germany who was replacing motherboards

real sad
Go ahead... Dazzle me with all the ways you folks out east contribute to the well being of this country.

Most of your residents would rather be on welfare than work.

Your leaders have spent you so far into debt we out west will be bailing you out for a few generations.

I could go on for hours with what's wrong with eastern Canada and easterners in general.

I found this thread interesting to read. An insight into Canada.

In Australia we mostly live on the East Coast, and a hand-full of people live on the West Coast. The West Coast is a desert of mines and shit. Looks like Mars in Total Recall, with the birth defects and all. The East Coast looks like the forest in Avatar but we aint blue. You get paid 20% more on the west coast (mining boom) as they can't get enough people to move to the shit side of the country. Note I am still fucking here! Like the rest of us on the East Coast. This place is like 80% better than that shithole, %20 attracts the dregs and they.... stay as they can't get back anyway once they have been "WA-ified" through media and social reinforcement (re: Deluded fucks don't know any better anyway) that its a nice place.

The point I really want to make is that most East Coast people (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart) find that people from Western Australia talk like wankers. How often do you hear them say "Over in the west..." and then some comment about how things are better over there. Some people believe them, but if you have worked there like me you start to realise that they get brainwashed by local Media to believe they are unreal when really they are a pack of mining scumbags just like those Kobalds in World of Warcraft. People from WA even look a bit like Kobalds from the mines in Elwyn Forest.

"WA is unreal, stay here and mine the fuck out of it for us, don't piss off to somewhere nicer, even if it is an orange dust bowl with a few lumps of metal under it. Stay and help us dig this shit up you gullible morons". Thats the message I was seeing on local TV in WA.

Another thing I notice on media is this. If I leave Sydney (big city) and go to the small rural towns. Sitting in the hotel room at night they love to show news of how many people were killed in Sydney and all sorts of nasty stuff. Bu tin fact you are in more danger of crime in those shitty little towns. The rural people eat up this media shit and get around talking about crime in a big city when in fact it's total bullshit drummed up by their own media to try and keep people from moving to the big cities to find work and... an actual life more than fucking sheep in the arse. Or maybe an education or a fucking hospital, or a girl without a third breast.. you rural country hic fucks!!

Anyways, I found this thread nice. Australians tend to engage better with Canadians than Americans in real life, so I find the place interesting. They also have to share a world with a bunch of obese, flag waving, gun toting nutters who love to drive massive cars, and free the shit out of people all over. Who ever let that fat bitch Opra get on TV years ago, you Americans are mad. Somebody should have harpooned that fat whale during the pilot show.
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ya its not so different in canada

instead of mines its oil sands tho and they're hocking their natural resources for pennies on the dollar and thinking they're doing great because of it

soon the whole west coast'll be criss crossed in oil pipelines that'll leak and rape whatever nice is left but hey we made a few extra bucks so it's all good