Canadian Government is going to Fuck its people

People also complain the same thing in Australia. We send all this Iron ore to the chinks and then they turn the shit into profitable product and sell it back to us. Like why are we not processing the shit here?
norway has an insanely good pension plan built off the oil profits they sell because it nationalized their oil business

harper canada privatized the oil and is now getting fucked over with legal injunctions over the oil sands being toxic and sold most of the oil off to china at the environment tax payers and native people's land expenses

so not only are we fucking over our own country's land we're fucking over the people too

all so harper's friends and some rich people can get more rich

at this rate china will be a more green country than canada in less than a decade as they;re so serious about solar power and pollution prevention while canada just doesn't care

but hey smiling canadian the redneck mechanic thinks this is a good outcome so wtf do i know
i love how they try to promote how green the oilsands are by showing pad drilling wells instead of fuckin firebag
the west coast isnt bad

bc is very nice

its just alberta that is a white trash haven

for now

until the like 3-4 new pipelines go in and they start running giant oil tankers to bc's north coast

ppl are predicting smaller oil spills yearly and one catastrophic 10,000 barrel spill every 12 years

bye bye nice
for now

until the like 3-4 new pipelines go in and they start running giant oil tankers to bc's north coast

ppl are predicting smaller oil spills yearly and one catastrophic 10,000 barrel spill every 12 years

bye bye nice

Good thing there is enough chinese in Vancouver they could mop up the spills with their paper dragons
norway has an insanely good pension plan built off the oil profits they sell because it nationalized their oil business

harper canada privatized the oil and is now getting fucked over with legal injunctions over the oil sands being toxic and sold most of the oil off to china at the environment tax payers and native people's land expenses

so not only are we fucking over our own country's land we're fucking over the people too

all so harper's friends and some rich people can get more rich

at this rate china will be a more green country than canada in less than a decade as they;re so serious about solar power and pollution prevention while canada just doesn't care

but hey smiling canadian the redneck mechanic thinks this is a good outcome so wtf do i know

don't forget muzzling scientists, investing millions into our own version of the NSA and spying on environmentalists and then labelling them eco-terrorists

it's gone sour fast and people are too fucking complacent to stop it
It will be interesting to see what Happens when Justin Trudeau replaces Harper as PM in the next election. Alberta will become completely isolated from the rest of Canada and won't have near the clout it does currently.

I'm thinking/hoping we will see a lot of changes for the better.

imma take a few steps back here to stand clear of the explosive rhetoric sure to come.

Alberta has clout because Alberta has industry and resources. That stuff isn't gonna disappear if Turdeau is elected.
well i mean the money from it is gonna disappear out of alberta and into some arts project in downtown toronto so w/e its all good

even though i am gainfully employed because of oil and gas i do not like the wholesale rape of the environment and the greed and arrogance doing it gives some people

oil executives(of large companies) are the most insufferable bunch of fags ever to roam planet earth
You either wanna extract the resources or you don't. You can't have the oil AND not rape the environment in the process.

Ideally, such resources should be entirely managed by the crown. It's a national resource and it belongs to all Canadians. Unfortunately the government is generally incapable of handling anything more complex than a sunday book club.