Canadian Government is going to Fuck its people

canada already fucked its own ppl with harper bush jr captain conservative giving our oil to china instead of nationalizing it and giving all citizens a piece

and harpers done 100 million other fucked up things too

what ur listing is just another harper cracked out policy fuck up
Zool, are you one of those Americans that gets irate when "foreign fucks" talk about American actions and policies?

Just curious.
Alberta - the only province that thought George Bush was a good president. It's also the province where Stephen Harper finds his power base. No other province is so strongly conservative. In fact, it's a province that has voted in the same provincial political regime (Conservative) for get this - over 40 years! :lol:

Real smart people.

They don't have to manufacture, they don't have to create - they just have to dig for their outstanding wealth. They think they're industrious and call this "contributing to Canukistan."
Shut up half brained liberal cunt. You faggot easterners contribute nothing of value to this country. With any luck another immigrant fuck caves the other side of you head in soon.

typical con attack

all these doods know how to do is smear other people and sell out our country to the highest bidder so that they can line their pockets with 'campaign donations' aka bribes
typical con attack

all these doods know how to do is smear other people and sell out our country to the highest bidder so that they can line their pockets with 'campaign donations' aka bribes

Go ahead... Dazzle me with all the ways you folks out east contribute to the well being of this country.

Most of your residents would rather be on welfare than work.

Your leaders have spent you so far into debt we out west will be bailing you out for a few generations.

I could go on for hours with what's wrong with eastern Canada and easterners in general.
Shut up half brained liberal cunt. You faggot easterners contribute nothing of value to this country. With any luck another immigrant fuck caves the other side of you head in soon.

half brained or not dare is right, harper is the closest thing to the devil canada has had for a leader

edit: turns out both sides of this argument are right.
smiling canadian is 100% right about the east being a burden on the rest of Canada. if alberta/BC seperated, you guys would be completely fucked. AB/BC could survive on their own just fine, you do literally nothing for us except spend our money because of the higher population.

SC is an idiot for thinking harper helps AB in any way though. the only reason conservative gets voted in here every time is because its really fucking easy to make 100k+ a year here, and we out west gain nothing from raising taxes for you guys to spend out east.
Last edited: not let FOREIGNERS into you nation.... keep what you have.
Thats the question and the ANSWER in the same line. I value Canada as a vast wilderness full of hardy French and English. Remain this..Remain armed and Remain closed. Defend your fucking land. God knows the fucking US fucking A isn't defending shit. Our generals are out to fucking lunch and the lot of them are fucking commie cocksuckers.

Not one of these cocksucking fuckers has a bit of balls given their such ballsy positions.
Fuck the US Government fuck the cocksucking US land army and fuck the cock sucking president of the U.S..fairy land of up the ass .A.